a mouse drives a car its very cool

its been a hot minute since i played these but i made a ranking when i originally played them so (if i remember anything specific about them i will add it in parenthesis) here they are best to worse:

- Charlotte's Exile (puzzle room. iykyk)
- Arcadletra (sorta rudimentary, but i very much enjoyed the looping)
- Sucker for Love
- Another Late Night (would probably bump this down a couple retrospectively, its just digging around a desktop LOL)
- To the End of Days
- Solipsis (unique horror and mechanics)
- Squirrel Stapler (GOD IS HERE)
- Undiscovered (sorta jank but i thought it was good fun)
- The Diving Bell
- Touched by an Outer God
-The Toy Keeper (honestly not sure if i even finished this one lel)
- The Thing at the Lake (screams in annoyance)


the most puzzle of all time

incredible art, great puzzles. only problem i had was some of the tetris puzzles did not want to work? even when i did them correctly? it all worked out in the end but it still felt worth mentioning

i hate to make this comparison but its stardew valley if stardew was about being a graveyard keeper (whoa), brutal as fuck in the new game and the learning curve was a vertical line. its a hell of a game to trudge through but i enjoyed it very much as well as the DLCs. the art is also not just a rip off of any similar games, and is honestly very nice to look at and fits the tone of the game well. would definitely recommend this to people who might be more on the masochistic side/those who dont mind grinding in games a lot of the time.

DLC opinions:
Game of Crone & Stranger Sins were a lot of fun and added a lot of positives to the game. Breaking Dead and Better Save Soul were enjoyable but to a lesser extant, adding mainly just more ways to break down bodies (which is fine, but not as fun if you have done everything else the game has to offer). if you had to choose, id recommend getting the first two over Better Save Soul (Breaking Dead is part of the base game at least on PC)

its milk inside a bag of milk inside a bag of milk inside a bag of milk inside a bag of milk. what more do u want me to say

double fine really should be incredibly proud of the fact they not only made this game but also that it is just as good as the first one if not even better in some aspects . i love my weird little psychic children

this game is ultimately a glorified clicker game that you leave open in the background until it reaches a time you need and then you do your thing. its tedious but not fully pointless? the solitude of it really gets to you eventually and i think its meant to. the art and music/sound deisgn is exactly where it needs to be as well. the most accurate title a game has ever had

2016 me, autisticlly playing this game over and over again in the same exact way, unaware it will RUIN ever other fire emblem game from then on for me: haha lonqu and panne kiss :) goodbye chrom you ugly little worm

i finally understand what the nancy drew game hype is all about this game ruled. wish it was a little longer but all the puzzles made sense and werent insanely nonsensical like how some other adventure games are. the voice acting has also not aged badly it just LOUD lmao. good for francie!

a sort of standard life sim

it has very nice art but the gameplay loop leaves a little to be desired even for its genre. i wish there was a little more to do every day because once youre done with your tasks youre Done until tomorrow. things seem to unlock without really any rhyme or reason which also confuses me because like.... give me more to do stop making me wait LOL. i appreciate the fact you can make furniture stuff super cluttered but at the same time the game gives you so few options each day and so few chances to earn more (in terms of all items minus fish). i really just wish there was More in general every day

i will be real i teared up HAHA

its a very nicely animated point and click "escape" game (with no escaping). rly nice art in general honestly. wish it was longer but only because i want to enjoy more of a game like this, not because the game itself Needs to be longer