Not as good as Danganronpa, but similar enough that it scratched the itch I had. Visuals, character design, and music pretty good. Story a little lackluster. Too predictable for a detective game, but also too much revealed too late.

I love Danganronpa. I've tried this game a couple times. I can't do it. The controls are clunky. The story is contrived. It's not interesting. It's too over the top without the charm that the mainline series has.

Fun! Interesting lore. First time playing a game like this. Would recommend

Dave the Diver is cute and a game that is definitely worth playing. Very charming. It gives me hope that in a time where AAA games are on the decline that there will once again be the rise of the Indie game. The characters are endearing. The music is relaxing. Fishing is a genuine joy. I will pay close attention to what this studio does in the future,

BUT. Dave the Diver doesn't know what it wants to be. It couldn't decide so it picked to be everything. It would be much better game if it picked a couple things and fleshed them out instead of just being mediocre at most things. I wish they had just focused on the fishing / running a sushi restaurant. We could even keep the vegetable and fish farm. Perfect that gameplay loop. I think that could have been a 10/10 game. But instead it tried to do too much and forgot what it's main purpose was. Definitely worth playing, but falls a little short in the end.

What a weird game. Not sure what it was trying to get across but it was interesting to say the least

Weird. Interesting. Worth playing for the half hour run time

This game hurt me. Amazing. Highly recommend. It conveys well the feeling of wanting to give a child everything, but not having the means to do so.

Interesting game. Neat concept. I wish they wouldn't have gone for a supernatural story, as I think the idea of searching for a missing woman by digging through her phone is interesting enough as is. The idea that you are just some random guy who picked up her phone and is now answering all of her messages is a little weird. Wish they would've come up with a better explanation. BUT the game was neat. I plan on playing the others to see if they improved upon the concept

Loved it. Lovely graphics. Super fun trying to identify the plants. Puzzles aren't super difficult, but it makes for a nice relaxing experience. I wish that you were able to guess plants incorrectly and have consequences arise from that.

Clipped into the ground and got stuck. Would have had to replay the whole chapter. Walking is too slow to warrant that. Story telling is mediocre. Non way to interact with the world.

Loved the aesthetics. Absolutely beautiful. Puzzles hurt my brain. First puzzle game I solved completely on my own, so take that as you will.

Biggest disappointment. Did not finish. Faith lost in Bethesda. Maybe forever.


Delightful. Good use of visual storytelling. Graphics are beautiful. Definitely play with headphones. You don't want to miss the music. I wish there were more recipes. I would love if they added some extra ones.