the best saints row if you play them for the story

i have malaria, and so does you if you play it! a fun time in Africa awaits here! weapons that jam often, "fast travel" taking the local bus, and the diamonds! oh god, the doubles, the betrayal...


ITS A DEMO and its still influencing game design to this day

:,D the closest to battlefield 3 currently, its great fun!

Meh, get it if you want a mix of a head ache and a big sleep

open work in not new York in the 1950's the story is OK, the Gameplay is great, there's playboy magazines to collect, a fun time!

a great game to play before playing control, super fun Gameplay mixed with TV show segments, a cool but somewhat disappointing game

A fun introduction to the stealth games genre, a shame we don't get more of theese

its one of the best games on the ps3, and i got it for free thanks to me and whole lot of people having our info leaked online! :)

Amazing multiplayer, it was the best battlefield game,
the campaign its super meh

one of the greatest star wars games from before the Disney catastrophe

Fun with friends as long you are not playing the monkey island content that one is for sleeping

a great secuel trully about hacking!