45 Reviews liked by glorylaflare

Really liked this, decent story which is a little standard but has some really great high points. Gameplay was great, tense and surprisingly brutal. The standout for me was the score, with it being near perfect.

Lindo e triste, do jeito que eu gosto.

Esse aqui demorei muito pra jogar, mas quando joguei foi bem diferente das coisas que eu joguei na época, realmente parece um filme mas isso não é uma coisa ruim(quando bem aplicável obviamente), a narrativa é bem escrita e a gameplay é boa e cheia de stealth, não tem muito oque dizer o jogo é bom, gameplay é gostosinha.

La experiencia de gaming definitiva. Un juego que redefinió un genero entero de videojuegos. No hay nada sobre este juego que yo pueda decir que agregue algo a la conversación porque ya esta todo dicho.
Una autentica obra maestra en técnica, jugabilidad, diseño, y todos los rubros que componen el desarrollo de un videojuego.
El mejor tiempo que pase jugando en mi vida. Mi juego favorito.

Al juego que marcó un momento de mi vida y toda mi existencia. Al juego que supo hacerme divertir como ningún otro. Al juego que me hizo encontrar la belleza incluso en lo más ruinoso. A mi juego favorito.

Eternamente gracias, Breath of the Wild.

So much fun to discover everything this game has to offer. There was a lot of confusing sections, but the combat system is so much fun.

There no big story, feels like if oot finished when link open the sacred realm.
Tho this gameplay is the best I ever had, 9.3/10.

I tried this time with a 3 hearts only challenge, sword trials were hell on earth but it was a new way to experience a great game

While Dark Souls earns the title of "Most culturally influential game of the 2010s", Breath of the Wild sits as a close contender. In a decade full of love letters to the past it is hard to argue this game didn't have the best handwritting, flavory language and captivating verses. Re-inventing itself almost as if the past 20 years of innovation in the series had never happened but it having happened all the same. Grand in ways we always wanted, small in ways we never knew we needed.

If there is one thing this game fails at is in it's own initial visions. A game developed for a fantastically innovative console that had to scale itself down on its later half not by creative inspiration but by the changing tides and demands of its industry. How good could Breath of the Wild have been if it's innitial Wii U version utilized the tablet in ways the developers obviously intended originally? Probably a bit better. The final result either way is undoubtably amazing but so ready to be given another, less intruded on try.

I love being in an open world which has cool stuff all around it. When I see a weird looking cliff and climb it, there being an item or just anything of importance up there ties me to this game like nothing else. It's definitely one of the first games where I started realising the importance of games in my life, but that doesn't mean it's perfect. Nintendo has done a good job of presenting the player with a lot of same-y content (Reused assets and enemies) and make it blend in - at least for me - seamlessly.

I remember when this game released. I was either 15 or 16 years old and woke up earlier on purpose so I can play this before school.

This is the game Zelda fans have waited 6 years for - and it didn't dissapoint in the slightest. It was the perfect game to send the Wii U off and a huge system seller for the Nintendo Switch.

And what can I say about it that hasn't been said a thousand times? It's incredibly fun and masterfully crafted. A game that everyone should experience.

This game was the first 3D Zelda game I ever completed, and wow what a game to start with. This game makes previous entries seem like a downgrade when in reality they are almost different genres and are equal to this is there own right, but this game's sense and feeling of freedom and adventure struck me to my core and the art and sound design of this game is crafted in such a way that it makes me feel a plethora of emotions at once. While on day one of BOTW I played it on WII U which has greater performance issues and controls worse, in my opinion at least. The switch version that I went on to complete the game in is also filled with frame drops and inconsistent textures, however when exploring some of these areas and textures are hard to see or access. I would have to reccomend this game to anyone with a Nintendo Switch, however due to frame drops and worse control I can't possible sell you to the WII U version, unless it is played on an emulator such as CEMU.

I’m a Zelda fan, when I first got botw I didn’t know what the game was like because there was no reviews yet because I got it when it first came out but after playing for a good 2 hours I was addicted I loved the story and all the places, the art was amazing. All the quest in this game had me playing for hours I even snuck on it at night to play it not realising what the time was and played till morning. The Ganon and the divine fight beast was so challenging but best boss fight I have ever had and after that the ending was kinda mid tho. Can’t wait for the second game to come out this year