Back in 2013, 11 year-old me would use this app (you kids would never understand) to go into people's worlds and just grief, I think as a form of vengeance after someone did the exact same thing to me. Anyway, I went into a world where some kid was building a mansion, and it was genuinely pretty cool, and I readied to do a bit of trolling, but after taking a moment to talk to the kid and all that, I just... didn't do it? And I hung out with him for a bit, we just had fun building that mansion together and talking in the app's voice chat. Before I left, I admitted to him that I had originally joined to grief him but changed my mind after realising I just wanted to hang, and we just laughed about the situation.
No idea where the kid is now, we never saw each other after that, but kudos kid I met on Multiplayer for Minecraft PE a decade ago, I hope you're living your best life.

Elytras might as well have taken minecarts and thanos-snapped them out of existence, they instantly became so laughably outclassed the instant this update dropped that you'll only find them used for novelty nowadays.
Anyway, Elytra go wheeeeeeeeeeeeee-

"So, what should we add this season?"

Not sure why the PS2 version got its own page considering it's literally the same game as the Wii version minus the motion controls, but hey.

The fact we almost got an officially made, gruesome shooter that features the Rabbids being dismembered is too hilarious for this world.

Really not great in its current state. Movement feels horrible, there's no gamemodes that are in a truly playable state or feel fleshed out, it's all a massive work in progress, and I don't know if it'll live up to its potential when there's so many better options for making your own experiences like what S&box offers. Wishing Garry Newman and his team the best on the project, but my hopes for it aren't all too high.

On the most recent development update, it was announced in a tiny paragraph after showing off the new characters, that development of this game is due to be ceased indefinitely. The story mode, which was advertised in the Indiegogo campaign and was part of a stretch goal is now scrapped after years of being told it was coming and that development was being done. What a joke.
With the recent clearance and closure of Mane6's merch store, the lengthy wait for the second half of the season pass and lack of updates after the change of publisher, it was pretty obvious something was going on behind the scenes, and it shows. Most likely, this wasn't the fault of the developers, at least I'd like to imagine so, but possibly on the new publisher, Modus, and if so, I wish them the best with their future projects, however as it stands I don't believe I can recommend Them's Fightin' Herds any longer. Due to the development being halted and no doubt that the already small playerbase is going to drastically shrink in the coming months and years, I don't see the game's servers lasting long either.
This is an incredibly disappointing turn of events, as I feel this game had so much potential, so many interesting and fresh ideas for a fighting game, such an interesting cast of characters and world, and in the end it all got cut short before it could reach its true potential.

Took a break from the game for the last three seasons, nothing was interesting me and I felt burnt-out, but man this season just does it for me so far, and I really like the new Lego mode too. Everything's just so fresh, and we finally have SOLID SNAKE AND PETER GRIFFIN, WHAAATTTT!?

The new UI kinda fuckin blows, though.

It still boggles my mind that this collection was deemed passable by Rockstar, that they allowed this bastardisation of some of their greatest games to just release, and on top of that discontinue the original versions, removing them from digital storefronts.
What makes this all so frustrating especially, is that these three games were, and still are in desperate need of a remaster, one that doesn't completely ruin the visuals, restores the original radio music (you're seriously telling me that a billion dollar corporation couldn't pay a few licencing fees), and adds several much-needed quality of life features. This isn't it, unfortunately, but so much of what could've been is just staring you in the face, and it's ball-bustingly agonising.
Laughably, the recently released mobile versions of these games seem to be better than the actual console and PC versions, with lighting more akin to the original games, which really shows where their priority was.
I hope to god they keep updating this remaster, now that the mobile version is out, bring all of the fixes from that platform over to PC and console, so we can at least have a semi-decent remaster of these three masterpieces of their time, but something tells me they aren't going to even bother trying to fix this AI-generated trainwreck.

It was fine. Felt like they wanted to appease Chapter 1 purists but didn't go all the way in making it feel like Chapter 1, creating a disjointed mess that didn't know what it wanted to be.

One of the saddest, most desperate cash-grabs of a game I've ever played, by a creatively bankrupt company that won't stay dead. The fact this came out a day after Planet Coaster is the funniest thing to come from it.

I have done nothing but teleport bread for three days.

This was peak TF2, it don't get any better than this.