Felt like going back to this game as I just yesterday came out as a trans woman and am now going by the name Emily!
This is a really interesting experience of a game, telling a very sad but real story of two people drifting apart overtime which it does a wonderful job portraying through a recreation of AOL Instant Messenger.
While the sequels are more fleshed out and layered experiences, this original game tells such a compelling and memorable little story that it always sticks out in my mind many years later.

A really great sequel to a promising first entry!
Most of my problems with Halo 1 were ironed out such as the repetitive level design and lack of variety. Halo 2 introduces so much more enemy types, weapons, level set pieces and so on. In addition to new mechanics such as weapon duel wielding, each level feels fresh and interesting, especially thanks due to a new character introduced in this game.
The shooting feels much more refined, the presentation has a much higher production value and overall everything feels greater in scope. Getting rid of health entirely and replacing it with the regenerating shield mechanic was a great change and causes the player to rethink most combat encounters. The graphics look wonderful for an original Xbox game, almost looking like an early 360 title at points and the Anniversary graphics and cutscenes are breathtaking.
The game isn't perfect however, as the difficulty balancing can be very frustrating at points, with checkpoints being given to the player very inconsistently, sometimes not being given for huge chunks of the level. Even on Normal, some enemies are ridiculously strong and tanky and while I wouldn't say Halo 2 is a particularly hard game, playing on Heroic or god-forbid Legendary will be an endurance test to say the least.
Overall, Halo 2 is a wonderful sequel and I can't wait to see how Bungie wrapped up the original trilogy in Halo 3!

Not a great mod, but I'd be lying if I said the music wasn't banger.


Guys, check it out! JB Mod SWEEEEEEP!!

The least of the Floppa Steam game trilogy.

floppa fucking bit me, i'll kill that cat

This game had so much potential man, what a let down.
The art style is gorgeous, but I think that's it.

Where is Garfield Go Rewritten?
I need to experience this masterpiece once more.

I got back into playing this game for the first time since launch... 7 years ago, jesus where does the time go?
It's really sweet just going around my home town and looking at all the PokeStops, learning about little landmarks and tidbits of history I didn't know about prior.
The game itself isn't anything too special but it's just a fun little excuse to go out on a walk each day.

There was only one server for this game and it was 2 bots stuck and unable to move, thus making the game unplayable.

I played and completed this game when I was 11 and, really I probably shouldn't have. Most of the really adult content went right over my head. I loved the game nonetheless.

Playing it again as an adult though, this game is still incredible and it's so crazy they went this hard for a South Park game.
Still my favorite Paper Mario.

People genuinely think this is better than the Wii version?
Did I miss something?
Did I play the same game as you guys?
The wisps aren't fun to use and break the flow, the bosses are some of the worst in the series and the level design is kinda ass. It doesn't devolve into becoming borderline unplayable like the first Rush game does in its final zones, but lord Astroid Coaster took a year from my lifespan.
This is definitely one of those games where people overhyped how good it is and it almost feels like most of said people didn't even play the game themselves. It's not a bad game, but I was expecting something much greater.
Rush Adventure is still MVP.