I showed this game to multiple of my friends and they were never the same afterwards. They will never be able to sleep soundly at night without that music haunting their dreams.

A godawful port of a great game that ruined the reputation of the original game.
If a funne YouTuber shows that glitch where you clip through the Emerald Coast loop again I'm going to scream, that shit wasn't in the Dreamcast original.

I really, really wanted to love this game but it's genuinely one of the worst designed, most buggy games in the franchise.

No pie factory level (shocking)

Pretty fun but Great Cave Offensive can suck my cock and balls.

Don't look this game up on Discord GIF search.

Loved it as a kid, but sadly aged probably the worst out of all my childhood MMOs.
I'd also advise caution if you decide to play Bin Weevils Rewritten, as the original company behind the game went out of business and due to that fact, the private server is able to charge real money for in-game currency with no consequences.

Some of the worst level design in the entire franchise. Love the idea behind the team-up mechanic but it could've been so much more fleshed out.
The music and general aesthetic are pretty good though.

Pretty fun although the presentation and UI are really awful.