3 reviews liked by graffted1



I bought a scalping knife from a shopkeeper thinking I could sell enemy scalps for money. Turns out the developers removed the feature to sell scalps but left the scalping knife in the game. I played through the whole game scalping anyone I could, enemy or not. I scalped confederates, I scalped natives, I scalped allies, I scalped civilians, I scalped anyone I could.

Completely deranged game, I loved it

Show me a better plot twist than finding out that Santa grilled and ate Rudolph. I'll wait.

Sun. Sun. Sun. Sunny day.

My favorite 3D Mario of all time. The atmosphere is out of this world and captures a feeling that no other Mario game has captured. The music is top tier in all of gaming. Some may have problems with the linear level design, but this creates so many opportunities to have diverse galaxies to explore with new enemies and mechanics at every turn. A true masterpiece.