17 reviews liked by grawlix



you will never be yume nikki



i'm complete dogshit but i like the funny drums. also party mode is fucking great

its tracklist kinda sucks tbh
wheres kagekiyo? where's tombeau de couperin?
at least there's natsumatsuri and the free dlc was good

but party mode is honestly really fun

sep 10 edit: after spending more time with it, the online multiplayer really feels like the heart of the game, but the tournament mode is a ghost town

Taiko is always a blast, moreso when you have a base tracklist as well-rounded as this one with frequent, high quality DLC packs filling gaps. It's a shame that the motion-based split joycon controls are really inaccurate, because air-drumming has an innate appeal to it that I'd like to see a game pull off.

God. I never want to play Overwatch ever again

juego para gente con problemas