The definitive way to play the first metroid game. This is the only metroid game i've completed btw.

Get this game a remake the writing is genuinely hilarious and this game has the most comic accurate Venom in any other piece of media period.

When I first played this game I really did not like it as much as the first game. It was slower and the grading system drove me crazy (Still does) so I just went back to playing the original. But once I actually started to play the game more and learned how it worked it quickly became one of my favorites ever. This game does take a bit of getting used to like mario 64 but once you get used to it it becomes a fun time. The story is also one of the most interesting in the sonic franchise. Shadow and Rouge are both amazing additions to the main cast of characters, and Shadow's character arc is the best part of the game.

This game is the most sequely sequel i've ever played. It takes all of the stuff in Asylum that worked and turns it up to 100. And everything that was kind of slow and boring was either reworked or dumped entirely. The story can kind of be a wild goose chase at times but it never gets too frantic. And the final cutscene of this game is just beautiful even if you dont enjoy Batman or superheroes in general you would probably still have a good time,

The grand return to the Rayman franchise on consoles after the rabbids invaded and ruined everything. The art direction, gameplay, and environments are all amazing, and plus it 4 player! It's basically a better version of new super mario bros wii go play this game right now.

This game is pretty rough around the edges in a lot of areas purely because of its age. But you can't deny the sheer impact this gam had on the entire gaming industry. It's not a game you have to like, but it is a game you should respect.

A damn near perfect video game only held back by it's age.