I was so bad at this and getting owned so swiftly that it was actually starting to affect my mood. I can't win at Yu-Gi-Oh. Can't even get a single win. No matter how hard I try or study or practice my opponent has drawn every card necessary to summon 3 powerful Fuck You monsters to the field in a single turn. I don't understand. The training mode doesn't even come close to preparing me for this kind of Getting Owned.

I work a shitty job, am in enormous debt, I can't afford new tires or a new battery for my car, nothing works out in my favor, and I can't win at Yu-Gi-Oh. I remember when the Cleveland Browns didn't win a single game all year. I wonder how the QB, Deshone Kizer, felt during that stretch. You practice, you study, you do everything possible and yet a single win constantly eludes you. That was on a pretty grand stage, in front of millions. My torment is just in my bedroom while I watch Colorado Rockies baseball, hoping their perpetual losing and inability to play baseball with even the slightest bit of competency will give me perspective on how small my inability to win a Children's Card Game is. But it doesn't. I look at the Colorado Rockies and all I see is a mirror, it's like looking at the devil himself, mocking me for my near-constant bumbling and giving me a microcosm of my various financial woes in the form of a Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon being summoned to the field on the second turn just to own me.

If I were younger and still had dreams and aspirations I would probably suffer through the near constant losing just to get a glimpse at what winning a game of Yu-Gi-Oh might look like, but this shit is actually bumming me out. At least when I watch the Shitty Ass Fucking Worthless Colorado Rockies, we are divided by a screen and I am not Nolan Jones letting an easy fly-ball pop out of my glove. Actually BEING that hapless loser is too much for me to bear.

Still highly recommended as it is NOT League of Legends, though.

Reviewed on Apr 03, 2024


1 month ago

the basic tutorial tells you a cut above nothing, but if you do the whole single player campaign thingy it's basically designed to be a giant tutorial. doesn't cover everything but it's mostly enough. helps to have someone you can ask questions so they can tell you stuff you might not've picked up on your own (like equip cards being fucking garbage)

master duel's monetization is surprisingly generous too. you can get totally competitive decks without spending a penny as long as you know what is and isn't a good card pack

still a best of 1 format tho and maxx c is the most bullshit card ever

1 month ago

I could win at League, but you aren't assing me to play Yugioh with strangers

1 month ago

if you have some friends who also wanna play some Yugioh, https://www.duelingbook.com/ is the best for it. Just looking at archtypes and going "those look dope as hell" and building a deck and fighting your buds is the best way to experience.

1 month ago

i will say duelingbook is a bit beginner unfriendly because it assumes you know how to play already and everything is manual, an automatic sim like dueling nexus would prolly be a better starting point but DB is def the best option in the long run

1 month ago

i appreciate all the suggestions but I am not interested in playing again lol

1 month ago

@snigglegros me wanting to build a deck of roids and being immeasurably disappointed to learn they are dog fucking shit

1 month ago

@chandler there are so many cool archtypes, Yugioh is just full of awesome designs and themes, but I feel like (from the outside looking in) that 80% of them are useless. Ghost Trick's have fun flip mechanics, but seem too slow to seriously play. I think almost all the archtypes from GX are dope (Elemental Heroes, Roids, Dinosaurs, Ancient Gears). There is a fucking archtype called Dinowrestlers and they are just Dinosaurs Wrestlers.

28 days ago

@chandler If you think Roids are bad, then wait until you try building an Arcana Force.

I remember when Maxx C was mandatory against Wind-Ups and Inzektors.

28 days ago

"If I were younger and still had dreams and aspirations I would probably suffer through the near constant losing just to get a glimpse at what winning a game of Yu-Gi-Oh might look like, but this shit is actually bumming me out."

This was me when I was a kid. I'm an autistic moron who kept trading all of his powerful cards to his friends, because I was too kind and stupid for my own good. My friends obliterated me 98% of the time with meta decks and powerful cards that I myself foolishly traded away (Goyo Guardian, Ultimate Rare Thought Ruler Archfiend, nearly every good Synchro I had).
Still, I did win sometimes, and it felt nice.

26 days ago

bro just play stun