Layton Games

This list is about Layton games I had played. I ranked them but in my opinion all the ds games have similar quality so it was pretty hard to rank them. Like, if you ask me tomorrow I can say differently even(except the 3ds entries, I don't like them other than their music).

Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy
Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy
Have the most variety but also the worst plot and characters... (if we look at mainline that is, because if we include pl vs ph, it's the winner).
Sad thing is they just assasinate their characters that builded up since the last specter. Why? To plot twist of course... It's sad... Really...
Also variety of cities idea makes it interesting yes but also brings the feeling of inability to connect the towns itself because of their super small exploration.
Also not a fan of how the story structure builded either. You need to help random people to get the artifacts. But those random people add nothing to the plot in my opinion
Professor Layton and the Curious Village
Professor Layton and the Curious Village
Still the best one when it comes to balancing mysterious and relaxing atmosphere with it's weird city
Also only one that npc puzzles makes sense
Not a fun of puzzles, it's either mathematic or sliding, not many variety
Story is pretty interesting also plot twists works in this one, on the other hand characters aren't that memorable for me. Also getting there is a bit weird. Because Layton solves everything without decisive evidence
Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box
Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box
In my eyes both diabolical box and unwound future is the same quality. Both of them have excellent characters and a emotional moments. Also a batshit insane nonsensical story.
Why it's lower than unwound then? That's because I didn't like the idea of there is 3 seperate zones in this one rather than one focus(train, rest area, folsense town)
But I have to say I really liked how they up the puzzle variety in this one
Professor Layton and the Last Specter
Professor Layton and the Last Specter
I mean you still have to solve npc puzzles that contributes nothing to plot but still that's a big improvement in my eyes
Story is, if we disclude Luke, pretty similar to a childrens try to save other creatures kind of plot. It's cliche yes but in my opinion I'd rather have a simplistic plot rather than a Layton twist simulator.
Also I liked the characters too, especially those children. except Luke in the beginning chapter. He felt like a teenager with how edgy and mysterious he tries to act. He turns to his usual self at least in the next chapter.
City is mysterious but a bit too depressive in my opinion. They forgot to balance it in my opinion
Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask
Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask
Finally! Mysterious and comfortable city balance is back!
But unfortunately I can't say the same for the plot. For some reason they couldn't hide the twist in this one. It's really easy to predict the twist. But the explanation of it... Oohhhh boy. It's nonsensical of course. Also at the same time it takes away from the characters. Because of that you can't connect to characters that much... But at least it's not bad as the azran legacy's character assasination.
By the way, if you want to clean the bad taste in your mouth after the ending, just watch Professor Layton and Eternal Diva. It's structure is similar to diabolical box, but story is more simplistic or doesn't try to do twists as much as this or diabolical so it's a plus in my eyes(also It suprises me that the movie is the continuation of Last Specter, why they didn't make this into a game is an interesting question)
Professor Layton and the Unwound Future
Professor Layton and the Unwound Future
Characters are really memorable, so it's not suprising to see it's the best one for a lot of people.
Puzzles are not much of an improvement compared to diabolical box(or pandoras)
City in this one felt... A bit less interesting to me. It's future it says but only difference is there is hundreds of gears now...
Plot have nonsensical explanations like diabolical(or pandora) and probably the reason that it's not my favorite. Sorry but no amount of explanation makes sense for me.
Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Don't like this one, other than golden court chapter it's just a nonsensical plot twists and actiony moments simulator.


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