Absolutely iconic I love the lore, designs, battle mechanics, etc.

The people in my computer have helped me beyond repair & I love being able to give that energy back to others seeking words of encouragement!

I'm so glad I got to play this before the servers get shut down!! I really enjoyed being able to interview this man & use his silly little virtual tower of Babel

This was quite literally one out of the two games I had on my Hannah Montana PSP (2009)... I was insane & a child so I'm pretty sure I beat it more than once, 5/5 purely for the nostalgia

I ugly cried at the end because I related to the story unfolding in the background-- I honestly enjoyed this one!! It's cool that they allow players to make their own levels now too :>

I always had to continue this game alone when I was younger because my cousins weren't dedicated to the grind like me

I had a lot of fun playing this!! I put it off for the longest because I assumed it was too hard, but the more I played/learned the characters, the easier it was! I'll do another run on hard mode sometime in the future (I want all of the achievements)