(Quick context, I'm over level 1200+ and can confidently play 10 star maps.) I love this game. The gameplay is easy to learn and fun to start applying, especially with harder difficulty maps. The charting for their more recent song packs have been getting pretty creative, and it's a great game to come back to when I feel bored. This game is definitely good for any skill level (new or old to rhythm gaming), but the start is slow, and the game is kinda trash without DLC, which drops it down a few stars in my opinion.

I usually go back and forth on this game. I either really enjoy playing, or I hate every single second of it. Lategame is just a chore waiting for the next event or update, as you farm and gacha your way into the pits of depression. It's definitely not a game to be playing daily, but Genshin's daily/weekly incentives try their best to keep player retention, which honestly drags down the potential this game has. The best part of this game is the insane amount of lore that keeps me hooked every time, but even that gets dry some days.

I was gifted Lethal by a few friends, and I've played it on and off here and there. The game itself is alright, the replayability is weak, but the RNG mixed with proximity co-op is where this game really shines. I might just be salty because I die a lot and I'm trash with the horror genre, but it's not that bad. This game deserves the hype it gets.

I watched this game on YouTube since 2015/16, and fell way too far into the fandom for such a small game about befriending monsters.

I no longer play this game for the plot anymore. I usually use it as a mindless comfort to speedrun genocide through whenever I get bored. But when I do play just to enjoy the storyline, I get genuinely emotional over how wonderfully each character is written and the amount of work that was put in by Toby Fox on this game. It's a timeless piece of art that can be played over and over again.

It's a rhythm game of all time, I guess. The gameplay itself is nice, and the charting is smooth, but the microtransactions are absolutely wild. The song packs do not deserve to be this high of a price, especially for a 50-dollar base game. The 60GB+ storage space isn't worth how simple the game is, either. It'll be hard to pick this game back up, especially with how long it'll take to download.

I bought this game during a random Steam sale in March of 2023, completely unaware of what the game was about or how the gameplay mechanics went. All I knew about this game at the time was that it was a popular game for speedrunners, and I was interested in the genre. I am now in too deep. Please free me from Celeste golden berry hell.

This game is genuinely one of the most interesting games I have in my library, and the main game that moved me from primarily rhythm games and story-based games like Undertale to fast-paced roguelikes like Hades and Dead Cells. The story in this game is beautifully written, and the platforming is refreshing and always makes it feel like each room is possible with enough determination, which ties into the theme of Madeline climbing the mountain. Great game, 10/10, I would recommend this to all my friends (just to watch them suffer throughout the platforming).