I don’t know what else to say that hasn’t been said already. It’s Spider-Peak ….

A beautiful story that I hope to go back to for many years to come! Undertale is a game I used to mock in my younger years because I associated it with it’s fanbase at the time, which full of people my age enjoying the game and it’s characters in very enthusiastic ways. I never understood until I played the game many years after it’s release following Deltarune Chapter 1, I regret not giving it a fair shake back in the day. But I’m glad to say I love it now!

A fun time with friends, but after so many years and recent content updates not living up to what I wanted has made me feel a bit burned out on MC unfortunately. Hopefully in a few years, I’ll come back and enjoy myself just as much as I did before!

A fun Dragon Ball game, can’t complain!

Everything I loved about BOTW plus some more. Love it!