This game has it all for me and I love it, need to play the DS Castlevania games to get my next fix!!

This game was really fun, story seemed kinda basic but I need to revisit it once I give myself some time!

This game is really tricky, I'm F6ing my way though half of it

Used to be one of my favorite games of all time, as time goes on I still remember fondly. But the longer I live and learn about this and it's sequels inspirations leaves a sour taste in my mouth.

I suck at games like Dark Souls, but I want to beat it at some point in my life.

It's a Bethesda game alright

When Fortnite dies, I will weep. Not because it's over, but because I will be remembering the love we shared.

Fun souls like Star Wars game, not much more to say.

Half way through but need to come back to this after FF7 Rebirth

Really fun, but I got the bad ending originally and really didn't want to keep choosing dialouge options to get the good ending so I put it down. Plan to revisit the PC release at some point!

One of my all timers, love the setting, love the quests, love the role playing, nothing I can say can do the game justice.


Need to pick this game up again, had a lot of fun last time

Smash can be fun with the right people and I think this game gave everyone all the Smash they could ever need

Plus they added Sora so that automatically gets an additional point lmao