For me, this is the ultimate comeback story. We're talking Bulls vs Trailblazers in the 1992 Finals! I loved it, from the story to the exciting gameplay to the amazing Phantom Liberty DLC.

It’s GTA, it’s fun. Need to replay the story again because 6 comes out.

Incredible atmosphere, I remember so much of this game even though it’s been over 7ish years since I last played. Amazing games

A great Metroid game, one that has now solidified me as a Metroid fan! I hope to come back to this game to enjoy it’s higher difficulties after I’ve gone through some more of the series!

Fun, just mindless fun. Always a great time getting into a lobby with friends, and the updates were always sometimes nice!


One of the best rougelikes out there, what more can I truly say… play this game if you haven’t already!

A great game by all metrics, but with so much to do my peabrain couldn’t take it anymore! Loved the story (even through it’s more … chaotic moments), and especially loved the combat. This is the first Arkham game where I really went out of my way to play the challenge maps simply because I loved the way it played, not just because I wanted to play as Robin or Nightwing.

The second game I ever played on my 360, and one of the best games I’ve ever played!


A fun game that ended up catching the crossfire for many bad internal decisions from within Activision-Blizzard.

A fun and addicting game that has some really interesting DLC, I’ll for sure pick this game up again when I want to hear that fantastic soundtrack and play with all my favorite tools for slaying demons and ghouls!

A classic by all regards, RDR2 has left an impact on the AAA gaming space that won’t be replicated anytime soon.

The jump man does it again, thank you Chris Pratt!

A very fun side game in the Spider-Man series, anxiously awaiting the sequel!