A perfect ending to a franchise which I've loved since childhood. Now all they need to do is not ruin it with a terrible reboot.

For a South Park game this is pretty good but it's no where near as good as The Stick of Truth. There is also a fair amount of padding in the game making it way longer than it needs to be. The jokes are hit or miss and the combat is more involved then the first game.
Instantly knocked off one star because of Ubisoft. Their stupid DRM and the amount of DLCs they have in this game seems like something South Park would make fun of not exploit their fans doing. I don't know for the life of me why they chose Ubisoft after having Obsidian do such a good job last time. Great example of greed making a good product a lot worse.

I was looking for a game that scratched that Paper Mario itch and what I found was a game that does all of that and more.
Bug Fables is one of the best games I've ever played.
The gameplay is classic paper Mario and makes the usual boring turn-based combat of an rpg engaging and fun with little mini-games in order to hit a successful move. The music is lively and energetic and sets the tone perfectly of the silly world of Bug Fables. My one and only criticism is that the character designs do not live up to the designs of Paper Mario. In Paper Mario the designs of the enemies and npcs are extremally creative and unique while in Bug Fables they are somewhat limited to a grounded bug related world which can get a little boring and confusing as a lot of the characters look very similar. However, this problem is tiny compared to upside of this game. If you are a fan of RPGs then you will love this game.

Rustled Pete is a game where you fight one really hard boss and it's amazing.
The controls are tight and responsive, the animations are well telegraphed and look great and the concept is one that isn't done to death and feels fresh. My only criticism is that the game has only one music track which gets incredibly grating.
I got this game for £1. For all I mentioned it's worth £1.
I'm looking forward to more from this developer.

A strong early contender for 2023 GOTY.
Just oozing with character and passion. You are doing yourself a disservice by not playing it.
This game will be remembered for years to come as a masterpiece.

If you're a big fan of south park then it's really a no-brainer that you will love this game. The fact it's an obsidian RPG doesn't hurt either.

Clearly a passion project and worth picking up for anyone a fan of boomer shooters and that 90s teenage angst aesthetic.
Has some problems but I can easily overlook them because the games art direction and style are so fun.

One of the only souls games I have 100% in and that's because it's so fun. Instead of the usual very weighty combat of dark souls you have a extremally fast and engaging combat system that makes the game very replayable.

One of the most interesting games I've ever played.
With a distinctly weird art style and thousands of text boxes, the pace of this game can feel weird and dreamlike at times. The meat of the game is speaking to characters and it can range from weird and frustrating to extremally interesting (namely the tree philosopher).
The biggest criticism I have is that the political ideology of the game is extremally on the nose and be off putting for those perhaps in opposition to a more liberal point of view. However, if given the chance the game can charm you like it did me into sticking it out to the end with an ultimately satisfying experience.
Very much recommended.

One of the best dynamic game worlds ever made but with a story that is unbelievably overrated and goes on way too long. Worth buying just to experience the world.

As a shop keeping simulator, Recettear scratches a very particular gaming itch and does it better than any other.

for those with an adrenaline deficiency

Very fun with a very reasonable price tag. Fantastic controls, animations and music. Pizza tower is one of the best of 2023.

As an RPG it is fine but as an Obsidian RPG it is very disappointing.

As soon as it starts getting interesting, it ends.
For it's very low price it's an interesting visual novel and gives something to think about but it's length really is just short enough to annoy you that there isn't more.