I am yet to "finish" this beautiful game but arguably this has been one of the most exhilarating gaming experiences I have ever tasted. It is so goddamn good.

I finished this after finishing Just Cause 4, don't ask why. So it's gonna be a comparative review.

- Explosions would make even the best Battlefield game blush. Its details and impact are fucking ridiculous. I loved it.
- Wingsuit is worse than JC4 but still good enough to enjoy.
- Rocket launchers and its variants are really really cool.
- Cinematics and story is sloppy at times but characters were really endearing.
- Liberating settlements was enjoyable.
- Challenges are infinitely more fun than JC4, especially the wingsuit ones.

- I thought JC4 was the buggy one? When the game gets too explosive frame rate basically fell to the single digits. I almost refunded the game just because of that but had to slodge through.
- Because of framerate issues there is a certain sluggishness about the game. Exploding stuff is really really fun but not watching it in virtually slow motion.
- Rico's voice actor overdid it. Too "humorous" for my taste.
- Quest design is slightly better than JC4 but the emphasis on "slightly".
- Some cinematics are cut way too short and overall meaningless. They should've either got rid of them completely or did a better job.

All in all, I enjoyed JC3 more than JC4 but performance issues killed my enjoyment. And even if I ignore those issues both of the sequels aren't nearly as majestic as Just Cause 2. I'm actually gonna replay it for the umpteenth time lmao

This is gonna be a comparative review between JC4 and JC3. I played this one first.

- It's generally fun, the usual Just Cause stuff is still there.
- Performance is really good, didn't have much of a drop in framerates.
-Grappling hook and wingsuit is definitely better than JC3.
- Explosions look nerfed I guess because of the performance issues.
- Exploding stuff doesn't matter at all, it has become just part of a grind.
- Occassionally the game looks dogshit, especially in cinematics.
- It is weird to complain about story and characters in a game like this but it is pretty shit, especially the villain. I can't even remember the dude's name.
- Challenges are unfun at best, tedious at worst. Didn't bother doing most of them.
- Why the fuck get rid of sticky bombs? What was the point?
- I get that they wanted to change the repetitive nature of liberating settlements but they made it absolutely much worse, it is nonexistent actually.

So overall it is a decent action stunt power fantasy but a bad Just Cause 2 game.

I wish I could be able to give it 5 stars but throughout the game I wrestled with nazis as much as performance issues. Even though I decreased graphic settings to basically dogshit level it wasn't enough. So gameplay suffered because of that, couldn't enjoy it nearly enough as The New Order or Old Blood. And I have a relatively good system, my computer can run 2016 games a lot more smooth than this.

But I have to say this too: I loved how they amped up the ridiculousness, game was completely bonkers from start to finish.

Slightly worse and shorter than New Order, but still great and awesome in its own way.

Personally, I wasn't expecting to become this much of a fan of Wolfenstein series but here I am.

So, there is a perfect game after all...

I'm gonna list the cons first because I actually liked the game (lol)

- A bit too repetitive in times, although you can never argue that cleaning up stuff is not fun (I'm not joking btw).
- I wish its platforming had given us more freedom, but this is understandable given the game's limited scope.
- Becks is one of the most annoying sidekicks I have ever seen in a video game. Constantly nagging the main character, throwing temper tantrums here and there. What the fuck was that about?

Besides these shortcomings it was really a good and fun game. Good writing with a short and simple story that has a not-too-much-on-the-nose message about climate change/pollution. Voice acting was really good too but as I said the sidekick was annoying af.


As a sucker for walking simulators, narrative based games and even visual novels, Lake was pretty underwhelming for me. Forced myself to finish it basically and now I wish I had not bothered with it.

Gorgeous visuals, nice voice acting and that's all the good about this game.

Too restrictive for a decorative game and a bit too "indie" for my taste if that makes any sense.

Almost like the first one but worse.