195 Reviews liked by helenacell

Cool music playlist, fun minigames and overall the story was good.

A Review By Aeroezz

Absolutely Revolutionary for the handheld experience. Expertise of the customisation options in video games. Mind Bending Puzzles. And DEEP lore.

HOWEVER! DON'T PLAY THIS ON AN AEROPLANE! Your save data will corrupt :(. Not recommended for anyone under the age of 12.

Oddly comforting, it's definitely the kind of licensed game you'd come across on the GBA, with 3D visuals and a shovelware look. Isometric GBA Spyro-esque, with controls that are a bit unwieldy at first, but do work, the more you grasp them. Has this otherworldly vibe, like entering horse racing purgatory, especially with the music that plays on the title screen. Yet the menu/in-game music has this heavenly sound, that makes me want to sleep to it, doesn't help that the game's animations run at a slow pace, like it's in rhythm to the music. For its odd qualities I do think it's worth giving a try.

this game feels barbie and her horse died in some sort of accident before the game started, and now they get to ride around in purgatory forever,unaware that they have died. and i love it for this.

Something about this game is sinister

Does it have a double jump? Yes!
(New thing segment in my reviews)

After futzing about with a bunch of games, I finally realized I could play some 7th gen nostalgia with the ps3 emulator, and oh boy, was I ready for some slop. X-Men Origins: Wolverine is just the slop I needed. This game is fine and playable, just some unseasoned chicken you could eat.

Combat stays the same throughout really, although it does feel satisfying to do the same combos for a while, the game does start to get tiring towards the end. The levels aren't very entertaining because they consist of 3 government labs, an outdoor snowy section, and a bunch of ancient ruins in africa. The ancient ruins feel so trite for the 7th gen, and its no exception here because they aren't interesting. There is one more level, which is climbing a tower chasing Gambit, and its a little better, but still not very interesting.

There was one specific memory I had of this game where I got the final boss (Deadpool) caught in an infinite where he coudlnt fight back. All this mid led up to this moment

Also, the CG cutscenes look pretty good I think.

The combat is very repetitive, the bosses are middling, and the levels are mostly hallways and/or backtracking. I get to be Wolverine though and that's pretty dope.

I'm not sure if what I'm reviewing is some new sequel to this 2012 game, but im played the current mobile version of this

My phone installed 4 games on its own when i updated it, and every fucking game is some bullshit for you to play 2 types of gameplay. The second one was Match 3 on al FOUR of the games. Like fuck off man.

Does it have a Double Jump? No, but it has a charge jump (doesn't fill that double jump scratch though).

Destroy All Humans 2 was a major childhood game for me and coming back I'm like ehhh. I now realize it is its own version of GTA clone, and thats cool, but its also kind of boring to play. The guns you get done feel very good for general combat and the movement is way too fucking slow (whether walking or flying the saucer). The casting for Crypto and Pox are great and its awesome when they are talking, and some jokes are funny. I really wanted to get to the last 2 levels because those are the ones that stuck out in my mind the most but I want to play other stuff.



Does it have a Double Jump? Yes.

Crashed on PS3 emulator and corrupted my save. Seemed like a pretty simple licensed action game, but maybe fun enough to play through? I'll just have to wait to get it physical I guess.

Dope presentation for a puzzle game, but seems a little brutal. Also it seems harder than it should to precisely drop stuff. I would rather just play Tetris.

Does it have a Double Jump? Yes.

Seems fine enough, but I'm an adult and I don't see what this could offer me.

Does this game have a Double Jumo? Yes.

Pitfall is a pretty neat platformer, but it gets really annoying about 3/4 through for me so I just quit. It starts out impressive tbh, good artstyle, very cartoony performances by Steve Blum and the animation team. Like the animations are really fun and Pitfall Harry is way more expressive than he should be. The traditional pits in this game are also just "Mouths in the Ground"; like they have teeth and they chew and they just generally ungulate, its a really cool design choice.

The game plays pretty well, and you unlock a bunch of abilities/tools that are neat. An early mechanic you learn that is vital to many of the tools is that your right thumbstick controls your hand to grab treasure (that you would just pick up by walking into it in any other game. It is really fucking funny to just watch Pitfall Harry just stand around and grope the air, along with his ability to just turn into the Morph Ball and roll around. Most of the tools you have rely on you moving your hand with the thumb stick. For example, you have a estus flask, that when you equip, you hold up to drink from it to heal, and to fill it up you must hold it down in a heal pool. There is a raft that you use the thumbsticks as paddles to move around (it is very clunky and annoying though) and pickaxes that you climb with each stick to a axe, and other ones too. I like when games use the thumbsticks like this, it can feel just really intuitive (sometimes) and has usually made me feel better when playing a game.

This game is kind of annoying to traverse if you want to go back to other areas, or trying to figure out where to go when it doesnt just lead you in a straight line. The map isnt a real video game map so it can be confusing with exit you need to go to in a room. About 3/4's through the game the individual rooms get annoying too. The boss I quit on is like a typical sumo "knock them out of the arena" boss, but it just does not control good at all because you are playing as a penguin instead and it just sucks. I was already getting annoyed at later stuff in this game so I just thought I got my fill.

Before you ask, no, this game does not have a double jump.

Friends: The One With All The Trivia is good if you actually watch Friends. Nothing really disagreeable in this, everything works, looks good, and is formatted well. I've watch a little bit so I thought I could do this. It took me 1 hour and 30 minutes to get 11 answers right (wrong ones make you lose progress). I got 105/262 questions right, and I only really won because I got my dear friend Zurheide to help towards the end.



Does it have a Double Jump? No.

I only played 20 minutes because I can't stand the fucking fov (default is 65 apparently! like what!) and its a console shooter. It honestly kind of gave me Halo vibes because you are a military group crashing on a alien world to explore. Ron Pearlman voices someone in this game and it honestly did a lot for my brief enjoyment. I see there is a PC version, but even if I can fix all 2 things that made me quit, seeing from other reviews that it is mostly soldier shooting I will just refrain.

Always a pleasure to see a game converse so much with the player without ever saying a sentence.

A charming, engaging and rewarding journey and the type of game we should always cherish and praise so as to (hopefully) attract more eyes to well-crafted labours of love instead of your regular, half-baked, dull and uninspired AAA titles that still get most people's attention, time and money.

A must play