i can easily picture a version of this game i am in love with. i really enjoy toybox games and the general thesis of nour is really nice. but man it just is not executed well at all. there are probably a hundred cool ideas in this that i really like and they go absolutely nowhere. in between every moment where i collapse time because of my big burger or where i get a combo for tapping a jersey kick pattern there is so much flailing around in a way that is not fun or whimsical :(

i liked this a lot! its the most one note shit ever but its like, a good note. the music is sick most of the time and does a lot of aesthetic heavy lifting.
generally just made me wish i grew up into bionicles.

i love 3D platforming on the GBA

cool idea but i don’t really love how it controls

i only played like 30 minutes because i didn’t care and i hated it, but it might be the only game i know where the music changes to a completely random song every time you enter a new room. only one of them is good, too!

worse than sin tzu and begins. these games are almost exactly the same experience though.

i gotta start keeping track of games with a chinatown location

not horrible but the presentation is very unappealing to me. ugly and annoying music but a functional beat em up.


there’s a lot i love and respect about this game but i just can’t connect with it. i adore what it does with making things intentionally a bit confusing to preserve some magic and i think it does it well. really i can’t figure out why i don’t want to keep playing it, but i don’t. i believe i got about halfway? i do highly recommend it, i’m just not in a place right now where i’m interested in finishing it.

easy favorite of the gba barbie games so far. visuals were nice sometimes and i loved the music. almost beat it but got softlocked near the end. i’m 23 and everything in my life is going how i want it to be.

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gameplay feels pretty bad but im most curious about the music. the two songs in the title/intro are incredible. the next is a shitty tloz ripoff, and the following is like…a midi of the opening number in a musical? i haven’t checked but i imagine these are from a stock library of some sort. if they were actually composed for the game whoever did it rules. look the music up at the very least.

another one of those “guide both/all characters to the end of the stage” platformers. annoying but nice music.

one of the first games i ever owned. remembered it being cool. replayed it a couple months ago and it was still cool. cool.

actually has quite a lot going on for a GBA game and does a pretty great job of giving a kid with only handhelds a similar experience to the console counterpart.

everything about this game is bizarre and kind of makes me feel concussed. the title screen sequence is surreal and the gameplay feels like a dream i’d have under surgical anesthesia. obviously, the biggest downside is that nothing about this is fun and i can’t stand playing it for more than 10 minutes. if i ignore that, however, this is a sort of beautiful game that was certainly never intended to be and it is a perfect example of what i get most out of these rushed handheld experiences. uneasy by no clear design and genuinely speaks to me.