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on the other side of a 4 day spiral, i think i have experienced everything animal well is currently known to offer.

even as a standard metroidvania that you put down after the first credits sequence, I adore this game.

but for fans of the rabbit hole: it just keeps going, and going, and going, and going, and going, and

this sort of game (and online horror in general) is extremely hit or miss to me, leaning toward miss most of the time. i am happy to say, however, that this was basically all hit. everything it has to show you is extremely effective at building an uncomfortable atmosphere and it is very, very freaky sometimes! it only has one moment that i think is really lame and typical of a modern horror game and you are unlikely to see it.

to me, this is a great utilization of the strong liminal/anomaly concept that so many writers and devs lean on to make lazy and uninspired art.

very fun, quick moving puzzle game that plays great on mobile. not remotely had my fill of it yet.

really cool concept that i enjoyed playing but it just made me too nauseous i had to quit

it did not connect with me but it’s nice. i’ll maybe try again someday because i want to like it more! just felt like a lot of the weapons/abilties are redundant or pointless and the mechanics are never tight enough to justify actually being there. some elements feel like they’re only present because they’re “supposed” to be, and not because they fit the flow of gameplay.

silly little game that i beat over the course of like (2 weeks?) in short bursts. cute boss & end cutscene

i had my fun with it i suppose

scary. half of it looks like inland empire

it’s getting bleak out here

she gets so fucking scared when a bee touches you

before i put this on, i had been mentally drafting some shit like “grown woman plays babar game, is disappointed”, but this was actually pretty flames. i guess leave it to IPs explicitly for children instead of ambiguously for children to actually put together a nice little experience for babies ❤️

kino has a sequel…

in some ways it’s better, and in some it’s worse. everything about the gameplay is tighter, and the fighting feels so much better! but the fighting is most of the game now… the puzzles are still fun but they are fewer and farther between than in the first game, and i frankly just miss that clunky pacing. the already sparse story from the first is on an extreme backburner here and all context is mostly kept to single screens before each chapter. i miss how you could talk to people standing around like baby’s first rpg… the visuals are considerably less interesting, and the music quality/variety took a major hit too.

even considering all that, this is still pretty fun and is one of the few licensed GBA games i’ve played so far that feels like a “Real Game”. whatever that means

GBA version:

the presentation is actually pretty nice. the music is pretty and the visuals make genuine effort, but at the end of the day this is a “navigate all characters to the end of the stage” game instead of a regular platformer and i just don’t have the patience for that.

was he always this horny dude