one of the most fun and charming experiences i have had in a long time. i adore nearly everything about this game from the movement to the sound design. no idea how it flew under my radar until now but i will not forget it anytime soon

very fun for like 2 days and then immediately becomes not fun at all even a little

delivers beyond what you'd expect. 100% it and had a great few days doing so.

genuinely made me feel like i was about to die. i don't know how much of this was the game or just how i felt at the moment but i nearly passed out.

fun game with a lot of cool shit. i do like the writing though i wish it wouldnt try to be other games so often. it's own identity is the most interesting element of it.

used to love this dearly because i was a kid and stupid. replayed for memories and got those! had a fun time realizing how little effort was put into this and beat it in like 3 hours. not a good game!

almost unbelievable how ugly this is

visually and conceptually really fantastic. gameplay varies for me. writing and VA is actually so bad and brutally fucks what was an otherwise interesting story idea!


i wanted badly to dislike this game because it isn't at all what i wanted it to be. i wanted fun cat movement and wordless story and that is not this game at all. still had a very nice time, probably because its hard for me to dislike anything

good game that i hate deeply and never want to play again