I wanted to like this so much but it’s not very enjoyable to me. I’m sure if I was playing video games in 2007 this would be awesome, but in 2020 it kinda sucks. The core gameplay gets old real fast with one shootout after another with little variety to each one. The story just isn’t that interesting and the set pieces leave a lot to be desired(the final battle takes place on a fucking ship). I was just glad it ended so I can play the next entries.

Set up or join a discord and play it with your friends please

I was in electrical the whole time bro

Wow. I was not expecting to like this as much as I did. The only thing keeping me from giving this 5 stars is I wish Claire and Leon’s stories were more different, because you’re essentially doing the same stuff throughout both stories, but with different motivations. Nonetheless such a tense game that makes walking around a police station looking for 20 different things creepy af. That initial feeling of dread I got when Leon first entered the police station and was forced to explore it is a gaming memory that will stick with me.

If you lose at the perfect match one you should’ve been aborted.

Such a fun shooter yet monumentally more challenging than the first. Although I love the different gameplay mechanics they added(flame belch, ice bomb, dash, blood punch) I just prefer the original’s more gritty, unsaturated style to Eternal’s more retro approach. Also the marauder can suck my dick

Climbing simulator with some cool gameplay and some indiana jones type story.

The first 12 or so hours of the game as Ellie was honestly perfect. Ellie and Dina are both great characters and the story kept me on the edge of my seat, that is until I switched to Abby; After connecting so much with Ellie’s story and the characters associated with it, I just couldn’t bring myself to care about Abby or what she was doing or any of the characters in her part of the story. Another problem I have with Abby’s part of the story was that it didn’t have any correlation or connection to what Ellie was doing, It felt like a whole separate game. After the game was over, my initial reaction to the ending was that it was really unsatisfying, but as time went I started to realize that the game is about Ellie moving on and maturing, not about getting her revenge. Although it is a great game with beautiful visuals, fun gameplay, amazing sound design etc. it would’ve been even better than the original if Abby’s part felt more involved with the rest of the game. Nonetheless a great experience.