I hate the fact that many people criticize this game solely based on the fandom which romanticizes it entirely.
The game itself isn't like that at all. It just pictures the traumatic events that Rody goes through as actually damaging. This is why it's called a horror game, not a romance game, or whatever people make it out to be.
And although the horror aspects seem rushed, I think the visually appealing art makes up for it.
Since it's only a short game, the tycoon type gameplay also makes sense and is fun. However, it would definitely be better if it wasn't as laggy.

At first I thought I would hate this game but I was pleasantly surprised when I started playing.
As many know, the combat and general gameplay is often criticised by being called 'too difficult'. However, difficulty fully depends on how much you know the game's mechanics.
The way encounters are handled is actually very unique since fighting is dicouraged, adding to the horror aspect of the game. Being scared of losing your progress also adds stress which honestly just makes the game more fun to me.
I'd say it's a great experience if you wanna torture yourself.
Though in all honesty, it's very well written and drawn hence exploring the world is really fun.

The story in this game could be better. Some parts of it were just unnecessary considering the protag is a minor.
Still, Tatsuya is a refreshing character to play since we don't usually see openly morally grey protagonists like him in RGG games.
Combat-wise it is also really great and although the PSP limits the fighting mechanics, there are many different styles you can use so it doesn't get boring. What makes fighting even better is the OST which is a banger.
Overall, as solid as a PSP game can be.

The Dragon Engine is insanely well utilized in this game which is noticeable through the appealing visuals as well as the combat which compliments the gameplay well.
However, what surprised me the most is how enjoyable the story is. It includes very well-written characters and offers insight on them which helps the player understand the narrative while also creating emotional impact.
If anything, I just wish this game had better minigames.

It is certainly not a bad game but I have personal beef with it.

The story overall is alright and seems well thought-out but there are specific moments and characters that just infuriate me. Therefore, the only story that fully peaked my interest was the Majima Saga which only counts as side content though.
Gameplay wise it is also not the best considering the mechanics feel clunky and messy especially compared to its prequel Yakuza Kiwami.
Just kind of disappointing in that sense.

Some might say this game is outdated and the bosses therefore too difficult. To that I say skill issue.
Getting used to the mechanics might take a while but once that is out of the way the gameplay is extremely fun and the boss fights are as well.
Apart from that, it is quite well-written even from today's point of view and offers two endings which are both appealing in their own way.

Overall, one of my favorite games which holds a special place in my heart.

Five Nights at Freddy's was certainly fun to play and actually scary when I was a kid. However, looking at it now it just seems overrated.

Visually, the game is great and has a nice interface as well as stunning art.
The general gameplay elements are fun but the story is definitely not for everyone. While it has its wholesome moments where the emotionally drained characters find resonance in each other, the game can still be overwhelming or perhaps even triggering due to the amount of traumatic and sexually violent content.

Do not listen to the fans who tell you to just blatantly skip this game.

Obviously, the combat and graphics are not as advanced as in the newer entries to the Yakuza series but it is a very enjoyable experience nonetheless. Especially the story is, although sometimes slow-paced, very well-written and features great characters.