1153 Reviews liked by hotpoppah

i dont remember much about this game other than my mum wanted me to try a non violent game and i somehow still made it violent

On my first group playthrough, I found a katana in a survivor house and felt invincible. Then a zombie came up from behind me and nibbled my neck so I died.

This game is very fun in short bursts.

I played this game years after it came out and after playing the modern FPS games of 2015, so needless to say I felt the game played a little clunky. My friends who like this game would beat me over the head with a rotted tree branch if they heard me say that, but its true nonetheless.

The voice acting and overall RPG-ness in this game is enjoyable, and I found myself wanting to progress more and more with every checkpoint and story landmark in game.

I took a college course titled "Creative Writing: Virtual Worlds" expecting to have a hyper-focused class dedicated to writing about augmented reality and shit like The Matrix. Turns out, it was a class where the students carried out assignments in Second Life.

The first rule of the class was that Second Life was not a video game—it was just as real as your "first life." Upon my birth in this virtual world, I was lost and confused. I entered the nearest building to my initial spawn. My eyes were assaulted by a collage of genitalia. Mirroring the myriad *** before me, the walls were closing in. I felt myself gasping for air. Luckily, I carried over an attribute from my first life into my Second Life—the power of flight. Clipping through the ceiling, I narrowly escaped my **** riddled demise. I was late to meet with my class at my professor's estate.

As I sat in my chair sideways, legs out through the hole in the arm, my professor called upon me. "BongoMan27, are you paying attention?" My friend from outside the class I had snuck into her domain, presently standing six meters tall with his face in the window behind her, staring ominously into the farthest reaches of my soul or lack thereof. From this point forward, she told the class about her hobbies. The most noteworthy hobby came in the form of rescuing animals. The professor then asked my friend and fellow classmate if he owned any pets. He went on to discuss his two dogs and cat that his family had. As he concluded sharing, the professor told us that she, too, had dogs. "Here comes one now."

A virtual dog model spawned into the room.

I played this game all the way through once with friends... the uPlay network was so bad that it took us forever because the network kept kicking us off and freezing the game, and during one boss fight it disconnected us into two instances and made it impossible to beat the boss level.

I love the movie, the comic, and the music... but the game itself and the network and company that made it is just too garbage for it to be enjoyable.

I am on a break on this game coworking currently. I really like it, I think something that docks a few points for me on it is the UI is a little iffy to use and getting snails to unlock extra characters is difficult. I wish there was a little more info on how to use it within the game. The window size is really small, at least on macbook, it seems to be ok on windows pc. Other than that it's a cute focus game and I highly recommend it! It's definitely kept me accountable.

The first time I played this game, it took me more than fifteen attempts to kill the Taurus Demon.

Gud gaem.

Yoshi's Story is without a doubt my favorite game of all time. I grew up playing it constantly on the family N64, over and over and over. The homemade storybook aesthetic of the game combined with cute little Yoshi's running around making the most adorable noises ever is just unmatched. The game still looks phenomenal all these years later, and is still so fun to play.

Since you can only choose one level every chapter of your playthrough, that makes replay ability great, and they get harder if you're feeling bold. The game itself isn't really difficult, but it is impossible not to have fun gathering fruit and running around stomping on shy guys and other creatures. The mechanics are solid and feel satisfying to use, and the levels all offer unique experiences to traverse. The music is also so iconic to me and is one of Nintendo's best soundtracks to date.

I could go on all day but please try Yoshi's Story at least once in your life because god DAMN it's just so super happy and fun!

I created the ugliest character I could and got banned from the social server in less than a minute. 10 outta 10.

I played this game when it first came out as an app on IOS. I loved the game so much and when it came out on steam I immediately slurped it up as fast as one would slurp up a pizza. My one qualm is how much riddle there is in figuring out someone's order but other than that it's a great game and the art is so cute and so homey. I kind of miss how simple it used to be without all the in-app purchasing and decorations for seasonal times but I still enjoy it, the base game plays the same way anyways. Highly recommend.

I’ve always associated that “suddenly I see” song with this game

The story was really slow and it wasn't for me but the concept is really funny haha. It just got kind of boring after a while there was nothing keeping me going or invested in the story.

This game is not what I expected and I'm also horrendous at it but it's still good fun. I really like the golden pack and the weekly pack is more often than not one that I can never win but I still try every once and a while. It's a game you can put down and keep coming back to and it's not terrible. I like playing with friends a lot but I hate reading so I had to have friends explain most tactics to me. Easy to get into, hard to win.

The "phone bad" crowd should just give out free copies of Dead Rising cause Otis constantly calling you is more effective anti-phone propaganda than anything they've ever created