pretty good lore and story of the game but the comeplete downgrade of combat, parkour, and utilities from ac unity kills it, still fun though

one of the best street fighter games you can play, great for beginners to the series to get into, just have fun :)

ai sucks but besides the games pretty fun and a good retro game to get into

a lot of people dont like this game but after my recent playing this game is absolutely amazing, the parkour is the best out of every ac game, this game has one of the most unique utility systems out of every ac game, and this game is a change in the path of ac being a button mashing experience from ac1-rogue to a skillful and methodical stealth, parkour, and fighting game, all which I love

didnt really enjoy, have to play though!

played in 1 day but had crazy fun i cant lie, cant wait for 2

fightings good, especially cause i got it for free!