Not as good as the original but still a heartwarming story with great themes

A much better competitive fighter then Injustice 1 with a great story mode as well.

Not great as a competitive fighter due to its wonky neutral game, but has a great story mode

Brilliant story telling. They weren't afraid to take risks and it payed off with this masterpiece

Better then the 2nd game but has nothing on the 1st

Terrible level design, but otherwise an amazing Star Wars game

Fantastic competitive fighter along with a great story mode, as per usual for an NRS title

Lots of potential but ends up being Rock Paper Scissors the game. Story mode was terrible too

fun, begginer level dungeon crawler, couch co-op

I really wish I could get into this game but it's crap

Works well as its own game. Pretty crap Battlefield game though

One of the best modern platformers out