Walking simulator. Disappointing end to the story. Cool graphics tho

Too much dialogue jesus christ

The terrible, frustrating, Resident Evil 1 engine was a great way to turn me off from this series forever

A bit too similar to the original, but fun

Bullet time is so cool. Story was kind of obnoxious and annoying though. We get it Max, you're a middle aged, drunk, loser, shut the fuck up about it, jeez

The soundtrack was cool and the story was uniquely told and well made


None of that fucking matters when every main mission is a side mission. Heres a hint to developers: Don't bloat your game out by making side missions, main missions. This shit is awful

Such a vibrant, lovable game with a charming atmosphere, great characters, amazing soundtrack, and more. So much content to really sink your teeth into and get addicted to. LOVE


A great spin-off, expanding on the original game.

Its like Goodfellas but not nearly as good haha

As a flight sim, its very lacking and a bit disappointing. As a Star Wars game, its decent. A bit short and repetitive towards the end but fun gameplay.

The boss fights and sound track are so epic and are so breathtaking. Had me so fucking mesmerized.

Really great story and satisfying combat

Pretty basic open world concept with a wonky ass third person camera, but the combat is great. The great story along with amazing cinematic cut scenes and beautiful graphics makes this game stand out.