If you are looking for the fun that the other star fox games brought to the table look else were. Complete dumpster fire. Janky cutscene's, tedious fetch quests and clumsy gameplay

I really wanted to like this game but I couldn’t. Way too many lacklustre characters and felt the story dragged on.
Interesting combat mechanics but that’s about it for me.

Doesn't deserve to share the same title as its Snes predecessor.
Boring quests, dialog and none of the fun game play mechanics it was known for.

I remember very vividly returning this game because it was go bad and the owner must have played it too because i got a full refund.
Boring combat, no story and zero indication as to where and what you need to do

This soundtrack is everything. Controls feel a bit awkward but have this satisfying weight to it.

Started out well but didn't get on with the needy tamagotchi followers you constantly have to monitor
Interesting mechanics but not for me.

Addictive card game with simple and engaging rules.

Fast paced battle system, unique story with multiple endings. Was putting off playing because of the character design but it all works.
Fantastic game