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twistchains followed Arnon

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Noudou earned the Shreked badge

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Rafa9000 is now playing Dune: Spice Wars

1 day ago

milkpedia finished Doom 64

1 day ago

1 day ago

2 days ago

clovisalmeida is now playing Tunic

2 days ago

Zizi_Thrush reviewed Super Bernie World
As a game, it's a simple mariolike platformer that ramps up in difficulty, but is pretty short. It's cute, it's kinda funny, and it's fairly competent though it lacked a few details. It's also free, so no big complaints.

I doubt it was terribly effective as a political tool, but one additional avenue may have changed a couple minds, or at least motivated someone to donate, for what that ended up being worth symbolically at least.

It fulfills what every great game should to some degree: provides an escape to a better world, and was quite fun. Can't ask for much more.

Edit: in the symbolic evening of the next election, i take time to remember when it felt like maybe there was an off ramp, that we had the chance to narrowly avoid doom, despair, destruction. But uh so much for that. Felonious Trump or Genocide Joe

2 days ago

2 days ago

Zizi_Thrush reviewed Everybody's Golf
I played a good chunk of it, and return occasionally, but I'm satisfied with the amount I've played. It's a very good golf game with several hooks to keep you going, and fun to play locally at least. I don't love its microtransacty shop, and lessens the value of grinding for coins considering how astronomical some of the shop items are, but these are pretty much entirely cosmetics. The core game is quite fun, if a little bit too simmy. Which is odd. You can make wild cartoony characters, but then you give a fairly realistic golf game. I always wondered why this series didn't get a little more wild with it, but I guess it's targeted at true golf fans who don't care about the golfers.

2 days ago

2 days ago

Zizi_Thrush reviewed Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning
I'm not committing yet to abandoning it or finishing it, it's almost too much of a breeze to not finish, but I think I can describe KOA as the EZ Cheez of games. It's bland, uninspired, mindless, but a bit fun and doesn't leave too bad of a taste in your mouth.

It's really fun to play, especially when you're only a couple hours in. Swapping between weapons definitely keeps the fun up but will burn you on inventory management. The combo system works well, and though I expected a more complex system, it still feels good and has quite a bit of customizability without being too robust/complex. It definitely feels like it pinched off a bit of fable, a bit of darksiders, a bit of god of war, and then tried to make a 1P mmo, but some unsavory parts of these made it in.

The story is absolutely a snoozefest. It feels like any other fantasy story but without a whole lot of inspiration. Some of it was kinda fun, like the way the world is locked into a predetermined fate some can see, and how the Fae are compelled to this and natural order and are fastidious about replaying their lore over and over as they resurrect in cycles. Some details are fun, but overall very little investment in caring about any of the characters.the side quests are just more of an excuse to hit things. Anything that varies from that tends to be fetch quests and boring interactions. For all the lifting it does from other games, couldn't it have tried to rip off something with better writing?

The art style is actually typically my preferred mode for fantasy games, being fairly stylized and "cartoons" but it didn't have a lot of care to separating itself and giving the world a broader personality. The environments, character and item designs all feel like a C-tier AA title.

I have been meaning to play it for a while, and am happy I did, but not quite sure it's worth the amount of time I've put in.

2 days ago

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