Something feels off now that NYT has touched it. The daily words don't feel as organic or is it just me

I could be saying this because I started to listen to linkin park when I was 11 and it altered my brain chemistry permanently, but I don't mind the tightfisted, blatantly edgy prose... once you start reading between the lines here, there's something genuinely engaging and unique that mainline fire emblem has not touched before or since and I think it's wonderful.
It really doesn't matter to me how "good" or how "bad" the gameplay is, it's a technical marvel for its time and I appreciate it regardless. The Last Promise is just something special and it's something I would point in the direction of fire emblem fans looking for something more

Enjoyed the gameplay up until the resurrection of humanity, but based on the cutscene itself where this happens this should be totally expected. just like in real life humans are the problem

I can see why people don't like this game, but as of writing this right now i currently have covid and it was nice to sit down with a fun game that was easy to follow the plot of and complete when feeling pretty sick. music is jamming as always for falcom & what little screentime the characters get i thought they were charming. could be the sickness talking but this game deserves a little more credit

I played this game back in like 2013 and I recently returned to it... somehow, it is comforting seeing that so much has stayed the same lol. It's kind of a early web relic to me despite only starting in 2008, since it has a lot of the early web sensibilities. For better or for worse it's nice seeing a relic of my childhood still existing in the state i left it in

something I love about games from the 90s-early 2000s is getting to watch many different people learn how to use and grow with a brand new medium of entertainment. Berwick Saga is a game I truly felt was 15 or so years in the making. Is it a flawed experience? absolutely, but it is still an experience truly worth your time and worth the years that has led to its creation

playing this was a mistake but i was glued to the game the entire time

what the fuck was that ending. my heart is pounding right now

Got it as a gift many years ago, and ever since then all I've done in this game is ski up and down the mountains, over and over... it's very soothing, somehow. a simple game from my childhood but very relaxing nonetheless

my dad programmed MS-DOS games back in the 90s. Once I tried explaining the premise of Ace Attorney to him and he said “they will just make a game out of anything” and

alas dragalia really will be lost
never did play very long but I always thought the core concept was neat. wish it could have had a better life as a ys-style switch game first 💔

Mean Girls/Heathers for people who are into visual novels (despite what the developer claims about this being an anti-vn). Forgot this is just how people spoke back then but still would have ate this up in my freshman year of high school. Ate it up in the year of 2023 regardless. Voice acting has no right being this good?!

playing this game for the first time in the year of our lord 2023 is incredibly interesting because while the dialogue is sometimes dated + this game does not value your time, it's a quick enjoyable read. Reminds me a little of the pandemic and how digital bonds were so important back then. kudos for being ahead of the times