Bought this for $0.79 on Steam. Didn’t expect to be spending an hour and a half of my day playing this entire game.

It’s simple but it’s fun for what it is. By the way, the achievement names are cute.

So chaotic and funnnnnn.

I literally have spent countless hours loading up the game, going into a city, only to destroy it and its entire endless military force with a minigun.

Grab this game during a sale because although it might not be worth a lot today, a good price for this game is so unbelievably worth it.

Yeahhh, story is weird and it’s villain gets cartoonish, but hey, it’s a game, whatcha gonna do?

For me, it’s one of the best Nintendo games ever made to date.

What a fun adventure this game was.

A game, though simple and dumb on the outside, is a strategic and thrilling puzzle game that defined a generation at the time of its release.

Yeahhh, my first thoughts on this are so dramatic but I loved this game so much that I own it on almost every platform it’s available on.

Another game that is incredibly milked to death for its nostalgia. I understand what this game meant at the time, but honestly, it gets boring really quick despite how daring the gameplay is initially.

Truly the most game of all time :)

Besides it being mostly like the original, the ghosts and even the sounds are a lot more fun in this sequel.

(Also the designs are objectively more cute)

What? It may not be one of the best games of all time, but it still holds up pretty darn well today.

Despite how much the nostalgia for this game and its impact has been milked beyond belief (unfortunately still is) the actual game is great for what it is. Walk, run, jump, throw fireball, stomp, playing worlds 2-3 and 5-7 because of warped pipes, etc.

Its atmosphere is easily one of the best indie game immersion attempts yet.

It’s like ordering 10 nuggets from a certain infamous American fast food franchise. They might good tasty initially, but it has the consistency of rubber and tastes of chemicals. That kills the immersion of this game.

It’s actually a post-FNAF indie horror game, though only gonna use up an hour or two of your time, that’s terrifying even though it’s a fetchquest.

I don’t have much else to say, other than this game is so fun to pick back up every once in a while.

I like how energetic the gameplay is even to this day!! Makes for a fun, fittingly quick platformer but doesn’t provide much else.

This would be a lower rating but I’m really biased. My first time going through the entire game was a blast and made for a thrilling, though linear game.

Replaying this is impossible unless you get your memory surgically removed from you. But the custom night can (sorta) make up for that.

I enjoyed this a lot more when I was younger but I’ve changed my mind about it a little bit.

It’s a bit more fun than New Super Mario Bros. 1 but it doesn’t break any new ground whatsoever.