Marathon is one of the earliest gaming memories I have, watching it on my dads Macintosh, and also the earliest memory I can scrape off my brain. i always liked this series from a distance, with it being stuck on an uncomfortable computer and uncomfortable UI these games were always crammed into a jagged way of playing them. But thanks to the aleph one ports I finally beat the first and I gotta say I really liked it a lot.

But ngl I cheated on the middle point, anyone who’s looking to finish this I recommend space jumping the colony ship for sale cheap level. Its as bad as everyone says it is and I wasn’t about to torture myself thus most likely hating the game.

Weapons have this sort of punch and professional feel to it, idk how to properly describe it but it hits different compared to other FPS I’ve played (tho I’ve got to play more). in fact this entire game hits different, never thought id be interested in reading terminals and wow it is really impressive how good the writing and engagement is.

Dumb rant here but I got a headache from playing it, mostly due to not taking any breaks. I felt the need to complete it as fast as possible but that lead to my brain not wanting to think out the puzzles. so this is a reminder to take your time with games and don’t check them off like boxes

Reviewed on May 09, 2024


14 days ago

youre avatar is too violent for this website!.

13 days ago

@PELIPOIKA if ur gonna report me lmk, i need time to think of a funny pfp

13 days ago

they wrote youre instead of your and used an exclamation point and a period; they're being sarcastic

anyway good thoughts generally. bungie really did understand fps weaponry early on. get ready for 2 to feel even better

6 days ago

Colony Ship For Sale, Cheap isn't really that hard IMO. I think most people just ignore the middle pillar being the main hint of how your supposed to position the other pillars.
youre pfp isn't violent enough for this website!.
@Username8 GRRRR😡
youre pfp is juuuuust right