anyone who said this wasnt scary on release was lying for attention Lets be serious here

could have been vaguely enjoyable if it didn't manage to run at 15fps at all times. i guess it simulates the true british spirit (drunk driving)

theoretically a serviceable monkey ball clone but it lasts about 30 minutes and feels like the level designers personally hate you especially with how you can barely steer going anything faster than a snail's pace. Might be the best data design interactive game

you can tell it's very well-intentioned but this might honestly be the most boring racing gameplay loop imaginable (especially playing this immediately after its sequel), with the awkward handling not giving it an edge in pure gameplay. thank god it sold unreasonably well so we could get a version that wasn't stuck in hell for 3 years

yeah it's as bad as the reviews from the time say it is


could've been 100 times better if it just told you how the combos work. amazing concept and fundamental systems but putting it together becomes exponentially more nightmarish through the tiers

awkward clunky movement and terrible sprawling map design do their best to try and wring the fun out of such an innovative trick system. career mode goals feel like they were just the first things the designers could think of which leads to a reliance on "hit these 4 things we put at opposite corners of the map" and also about one goal per level that's complete bullshit. A shame they decided to go the BMX XXX route instead of a sequel that could've fixed things, but at least we got Aggressive Inline before they imploded

unimaginably beautiful in every way despite some of the most confusing setpieces ever

very interesting and innovative game but the content (and car list) dries up and the novelty wears off about 3 hours before the game ends for no real reason. Those menus really are beautiful though, the booth babe silhouette gif is burned into my retinas by now

not quite on the level of grid handling-wise but still almost the peak of late 2000s piss filter racing. more content than all its sequels which is pretty funny. i don't get why the non-sim rallying market was immediately abandoned after 3 outside of what, art of rally?
this also might be the least compatible game i've tried to run on windows 11 ever lmfao why does it not even have an option for fullscreen/windowed anywhere in the settings

gave me the worst joint pain of my life but im top 500 for endless so who really won?

undeniably silly and clunky but fun enough to carry itself for a few hours. the first mission is the 2nd hardest in the game

a genuine hidden gem from the very late ps2 era. considering there was only one game left in japan between the first Maxxed Out Racing published by midas in 2002 and this in 2007 this improves on almost everything in that first game ten-fold. genuinely pretty (although behind the times for 2007) graphics, a beautiful driving engine, a fun (read: cheesy or twee, no in-between) plot, and more than 4 tracks make this incredible for its original price range despite the relatively short runtime

released in 2007 for ps2 and pc even though this could have run on the ps1, it even has the render distance
kinda novel concept i guess but when half the game is unwinnable because the ai is as fast as you with a head start and all you can do is hold the accelerator and tap right on the analog stick for 4 minutes at a time the premise is irrelevant