about what i expected from the awkward teenage years between the colin mcrae/toca series and dirt/grid. wildly inconsistent difficulty combines with some of the most unstable driving i've ever experienced (those t1 rally raid cars are sent from hell) to make the low points of this game an awful slog. when it all comes together though, the game handles beautifully and shows a perfect glimpse of what's to come for codies' racing games. Would be half a star higher if they removed rally raids and CORR but just play the second game honestly

great concept, pretty good execution, but it suffers from the same terrible difficulty curve as some of the other txr games. you can get a high-end car (most likely a skyline) and fully tune it so quickly after becoming team leader that you're just going through the formality of defeating all the rivals to challenge territories for half the game

schlocky plot, weird physics, about 5 songs total in the soundtrack, content dries up an hour before the game ends, black character that has an accent unheard since the 70s. came out 5 years after it feels like it should have. still remains fun somehow

you can mash the boost button and it crashes the game and you have to restart your console it's beautiful in a way

still has that unity mobile game sheen everywhere couldn't make myself take it seriously

i played the demo when i was a little kid and i got so scared of the 2nd level i cried

bought it in the beta so i dont care LOL!

it's actually extremely funny how much they nickel and dime park players so i have to support that somehow

extra half star for cultural importance

these people dont know how to rotate a block Do better

new areas are cool but the endgame drags this down, the most blatant rubberbanding with any fast rival and then the slog of wanderer grinding at the end (that you can't even beat in the english version), probably my least favourite in the whole series

The groundwork of a good game with half of FH4's progression (that I'd already gotten sick of a year before this came out) slapped onto it. At least the map isn't as boring as 4's was