A neat concept of having magic in a modern day setting with some basic spells to having a spell to summon meteors (it is an awesome spell) with added minimal environment destruction. But the neat spells and main character are the best things about then game. The overall game feels like a slog with using your gun broom weapon with different firing types and a clunky melee. Controls are clunky and jumping is clunky, not much to explore in oddly big maps but with not much to find other than enemies that shoot at you all the time. Not much variety in enemy department, Fallout looking ghoul guys with machine guns that always shoot and will get you to never want to hear a gunshot EVER AGAIN! And some odd magic related brain enemies. Final boss battle is awkward and takes forever, just for a lack luster ending and a slog of a game. Tiny instances of neat set pieces but that's it.
Can skip this game and watch clips of it instead.

Another sorta pleasant surprise of a portable port but done in a visual novel adventure style with puzzles. Does use compressed images from OG Silent Hill 1 along with new CGI renders but a neat experience if you are sorta into visual novels and Silent Hill. I liked this way more that I thought I would. Has multiple paths to take and an extra Cybil little story. Shame the extra Download only story is lost media but overall a neat little game.

A fun time for the Dreamcast, a little bit janky at times but works with the 3D transition (Sonic R was rough 3D) but for the time was a good use of the open areas to show Sonics speed. Was fun to try the other characters too, some meh and some fun to control. A bunch going on in this game with secrets and little unlockables with a true ending thing that Sonic games around this time liked to do. For me this is a nice childhood game and music is nice! Most acting is bad or overly cheesy even for Dreamcasts arcade wacky vibe.

Another neat draw your own monster type of game with a multiplayer and party game feel. Pretty much only for people that like creation games, had a lot of fun making monsters and characters from other games, fills the Gamecube memory card fast. Although it is party-ish based, not very many people were working with the controls and were meh on the game. So.. tough to find people to play this with but you can play it single player with the simple story mode. Sorta fun unlocking more parts to add to your creations and draw on them (pixel looking but works) not as free camera angle drawing like Graffiti Kingdom but did cool stuff when this came out. Sorta can come back to beat old records also with unlocking items by clearing higher scores.
A neat little game but only for people that like creation games. Has a sorta tacked on card battle game that links with GBA to get more monsters, it is an extra at least.

A surprisingly neat little RE side game on Gameboy Color. Music is pretty cool and can be moody. Combat is waay different than mainline RE games and does a RPG-ish combat style with an attack timing function. Odd but gets the job done. Can be heavy of the back tracking but has nicely done pixel art for cutscenes and areas. Can very much ramp up in difficulty and can get unfair at times BUT later on can sorta soft lock yourself if you do not maintain your healing items and ammo. A neat little thing of a portable RE game with Barry Burton yo! :D

A pleasant Mario game on handheld but still works well. Music will stick in my mind forever and has some nice catchy tunes. Game can get tough in difficulty later on and is fitting for final areas. A nice experience and a childhood favorite for Gameboy. Star level is neat but can be used as a cruel and unusual torture.

A neat adventure game with a cool combat gimmick. The music is very moody and has a atmospheric vibe to the game with tiny bits of a horror feel. A bit more on Sci-fi style in a modern day but would love to finish it at some point.

A fun little Gameboy port from the arcade and works well on Gameboy. You can possess pretty much all enemies besides bosses and is a fun feature, can jump WAAAY up in difficulty and can get a bit unfair with boss battles but overall a nice little game. Story is simple but is enough for game.

A lovely colorful experience with popup book style areas. I freaking love this game and was a nice childhood game! The music is nicely done with cute catchy tunes and cute sound design. Battles can be on the easy side but the game overall is a nice pleasant time. A game I play on and on for fun.
Glad to have grown up with this delightful game :D

A good action adventure game with more on puzzles and exploration. LOVE the art design and music, it all comes together to be a moody experience and a post apocalyptic vibe. A creative Vampire game that gives you a good amount of powers and weapons (some are just reskins but yeh) one of my favorite takes on the Vampire subject. Voice acting is a big part of this game and it is wonderfully done with some well known voice actors. A good time yo :D

A huge game for the Dreamcast in online features and a cool game! Put a bunch of hours in playing online and in offline, can work with both. Game on single player gives the game a atmospheric and moody feel with the big levels and music. Fun with others for sure but game left a nice impact on me in terms of mood and design. Combat takes a bit getting used to but works very well and has a more tactical feel for real time combat with RPG elements. Story is in bits throughout the game and quests and has a mystery feel to all of it along with extra scenes. A nice memory and love playing the private servers to this day. :D

Quite a cool step up from RPG maker 1 on ps1 but does not have drawing feature from first game oddly. Can use a camera or odd feature to use digital photos for textures mostly for UI but has cool 3D level creation along with world map. Can almost fully color characters and enemies. Like first game, music is nice a bunch of tracks to select. Can do very advanced things in this one with sorta coding and the particle effects creator is neat. Game was sorta overwhelming in a good way and blew my mind with all the options. A very nice childhood memory :D

Old school (for ps1) game creation tech style game. A fun time with making older style RPGs with dialogue and cutscenes. Can actually USE A MOUSE to draw the pixel art of on map characters and boss art! Has an added Anime maker mode that uses the mouse features more with animation creation (can use controller too not just mouse).
As for memory card space, it hogs the entire memory card including created characters art. Emu gets around that issue. Nice music too for being sample music for your own game. A fun and nice memory and game to look back at old made fan games. :D Cant exactly beat a game creation game XD

Yes I uh really beat this game XD on a live stream for fun and pretty much for laughs. Entire game is janky with cutscenes, sound, controls, acting, and performance. The main draw is the fun jank-ness the game has, I love to Mystery Science Theater 3000 any kind of media and this game is fun to make fun of. Sometimes the action or gunplay can kinda be fun but the combat can be damage sponges levels. This game is quite a ride indeed and you jank is funny to you then this is one to... not quite pick up but look at???

A very fun time for creative people, also if you like drawing. The second game that blew my mind with bringing your drawn characters to life feature and still a fun game to play on and on. Like to do start to finish plays with other people sometimes and draw more monsters for fun. Controls are very nice and sorta depend on how you draw your creature with different limbs and arms and bodies. A bunch of skills and attacks to collect and gain from Level-ups. Music is nice and overall game is a fun kid friendly story with easy to understand controls. Love this game :D