82 Reviews liked by itsramneet

This is the closest you're gonna get to accurately roleplaying Star Wars without dealing with mustard gas levels of BO.

What makes Yakuza 0 special is that you can go from your best friend wishing to mercy kill you so you're spared from Yakuza torture, to bowling for a chicken that manages your real estate monopoly, in less than 10 minutes.

Going Commando is the best Ratchet & Clank. Better guns, memorable planets and enemies, they even say "fuck" once - that's sick as fuck.

Is this actually a 5 star game? Not really, it's more like a 4 star game. However, it is the first game I ever played, and the one that started my obsession with video games, so fuck it we ball.

MGR:R replaces "reason" and "subtlety" with an electric katana wielding one-eyed secret agent ninja cyborg that drinks spinal fluid for electrolytes and picks fights with a US presidential candidate, who's also a super-soldier.

My friend's got +500 hours in this game and can now identify each gun by gun shot alone, regardless of distance. I wish he got his dick wet instead.

Australia: The Game (Great Barrier Reef Edition)

A beautiful collage of art, culture, and legend; bound together by mythos and painted into existence with grace and serenity. It's also 1 of 2 (two) games where you can piss on enemies.

Hyper-aggressive Soulsborne showing the devastating effects drugs and Brexit has had on the local communities of Newcastle upon Tyne.

Like a skeletal boney boy that comes out the crypt and does a little dance for us; He hasn't got much meat on the bones, but boy has he got some moves on 'em.

Between a republic federation sent to civilise a wild Mojave, a brutal totalitarian autocracy that wishes to burn everything down so something greater can emerge from the ashes, an enigmatic entity that's ran a city state for 200 years, and a hacked securitron; The most important character is you - because you can kill every single one of these motherfuckers, and F:NV will enthusiastically shake your hand and say "thank you for playing, please come again".

Skyrim has persisted because its first playthrough is a lightning-in-a-bottle experience, but once you’ve experienced it, all you have left is an empty bottle.

Your friends don't love you if they recommend this game to you. If you decided to play this yourself, you don't love yourself enough.

It's a forgotten cult-classic that forgot it was a cult-classic, so it simply remained forgotten.

It's like ordering a "duck entrée" but are served a "dick on tray" instead, and when you get up to leave you realise you can't open the door until your dinner guest Eileen is standing right next to you, but she's currently stuck on a chair on the other end of the room surrounded by three very angry chefs.