Incredible environment and storytelling, the art design for this game is phenomenal. I had a lot of fun simply exploring the landscape. The game is pretty short, i beat it in 5 hours. On one hand, i feel that the pacing was well done and ended in a satisfying way, but on the other, i wish there was more to the game to play!! There are some bugs and graphical glitches, but luckily nothing game-breaking, they'll probably patch it out. Beautiful game!! :)

the puzzles are lots of fun, though i got very bored with the stories in between them.

extremely charming and funny collectathon!! Its pretty short even if you try to fill your catalogue completely, but i had loads of fun. :)

this games mechanics and level design is HEAVILY based on Jet Set Radio. some might call it derivative, but i dont think thats a bad thing. It's really hard to find ways to play JSR nowadays that doesnt rely on the original consoles. the steam version is janky af, and trying to emulate them has been near impossible in my experience. i think bringing a smooth, modern game akin to JSR is the next best thing. and thats not to say BRCF isn't original!! the plot and characters are all extremely charming and engaging, i really love them. if you are a fan of JSR or have been curious to play it, i definitely recommend this!

im not an old fan, my first look into the franchise is Pikmin 3 Deluxe on the switch. but, after playing 1 and 2 and talking with some og fans, this is a fantastic addition to the series! it brings back a lot of mechanics from Pikmin 2, while also adding many new things to keep it engaging and original. Oatchi provides LOTS of fun new things to the levels and forces you to reconsider your strategies. Pikmin 2 is RUTHLESSLY difficult, and i think that Pikmin 4 fine-tuned a lot of the earlier mechanics to make the game much more accessible to new players. whether you're an old fan or a new fan, i HIGHLY recommend this game!!

absolutely INSANE browser game!! im not sure what language this is coded in, a mixture of html and javascript i think? which makes this even more impressive. the story is incredibly captivating, the visuals are unique pixel-y goodness with a CMYK color palette, the game segments constantly surprise me. and its all for free!! go play NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ADORABLE little game!! the characters and dialouge are soooo cute. the lore and messages are very sweet and interesting. my only issue is that the only thing you can really do is talk to people and do fetch quests, which can get a bit boring. its like if subnautica was a visual novel? something like that