I'm giving it a 9/10 but let it be known I'm still saying this is overrated. "does what only games can do" yea blow me. Watch a Fellini movie or something. Does what any "multimedia" experience can do. Fucking DVD menus with the built-in games did this shit twenty years ago if you wanna get down to brass tacks. Multiple endings, interactive cutscenes, the whole nine yards. This isn't a slight against Remedy, just against the people who overhyped the game's selling points (xtxluv15). It's a phenomenal game and one of my new favorites but Gaming hasn't quite had its Citizen Kane moment yet.

All of the musical/rock opera sequences were incredible, I'm a sucker for spontaneous song and dance in non-musicals. That is the difference between an 8/10 and a 9/10 here.

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Not to spoil the shit out of Lost Highway, but this kind of just Lost Highway. Like they took that story and put it inside of Twin Peaks.