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4 days ago

kestrel completed The Invisible Hours
crazy twists and turns, i’m a sucker for any game that plays with time. i didn’t mind that this didn’t play like a traditional game, i enjoyed being an observer! the way they tied some of the loose ends felt rushed, but great game regardless.

5 days ago

kestrel completed Oxenfree
SO GOOD. what a cool platformer game. uses the mechanics to support the story so well; made me feel helpless and loopy, scared and anxious. will never forget my first playthrough

5 days ago

kestrel completed The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition
amazing how fun a point-and-click game can be, so memorable :)

5 days ago

kestrel completed The Devourer: Hunted Souls
just okay. eery but gets boring very fast. i felt way too comfortable running around the monsters after the novelty wore off. was fun to cooperate with friends.

5 days ago

kestrel completed Panicore
i know this is an indie game, but it’s so janky and a huge step backwards from the dev’s previous game Devourer: Hunted Souls. borderline unplayable. got gifted it and returned it the same night.

5 days ago

5 days ago

5 days ago

kestrel reviewed The Sims: Life Stories
i still remember everything that happens in this game! the dramatic, crazy story captures the kind of stories i made up in my head playing sims games. so nostalgic

don’t go into it expecting a full sims experience!

5 days ago

kestrel earned the Liked badge

8 days ago

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