Hey, you! Would you like to play the most generic alien shooter you'd expect to see in the background of a sitcom...

that is also written like what an A.I thinks Rick and Morty is like and features the talents of the amazing comedian Justin Roiland constantly yapping in your ear?

No? Yeah, me neither.

This is a game that just makes me sad. Despite its problems, Payday 2 is at the end of the day a fun arcade with a lot of pizazz. At the time I'm writing this review, Payday 3 has neither of those attributes. A boring aesthetic devoid of any personality, gameplay that drops Payday 2's breakneck high action arcade shooter formula for one that more resembles that of Payday: The Heist and its slower, more tactical formula, but without any of the design elements that made it work there and a narrative that, yes, is still picking up steam, but already feels like its just putting together a bunch of shit and hoping that it works.

Now you may be thinking, "janlz, why do you keep comparing this game to PDTH and PD2? You should be reviewing it based on it's own merit!"

But that's the thing.

This game has no own merit. The game is so dull, boring and at times borderline bad, that there's not much of anything to consider on that front. Both prequels had elements that put them above other games like them. This game has nothing, and that's really the whole problem.

This game's short length and lackluster story is barely lifted off the ground by it's mildly interesting gimmick, which more often than not ends up being more tedious than enjoyable. Also fuck the skeleton dude.

great looking game and all but the gameplay feels so halfbaked pre post-game, which is probably because johto is the first half of the game while kanto is the second. but in my opinion this just means that the game is unbelievably boring in johto and only picks up after you've beaten the game.

its feels like they used 99% of their time and budget for the great story, world and characters and then when it was time to make the gameplay they just copy pasted it from gta v

I hate this fucking game so much.

Probably the peak of the NRS Mortal Kombat trilogy, gameplay and arguably story wise. Great roster, fun side gamemodes like the new and improved Krypt and towers, and alot of nice quality of life improvements over previous installments to make this game a solid experience.

Changed alot of gameplay mechanics generally for the worse, has an awful cosmetic unlock system and the story is stupid. However the game does have Spawn so the pros outweigh the cons.

this game is like when you want mcdonalds but your mom says you've got it at home but then the one at home ends up being better

jack cooper is a silly dude and bt-7274 is an even sillier dude, and i love it.

multiplayer is also really good, sadly you get booted every other match

i mean... it just does everything halo: CE did, and does it way better. theres not much else to say abo- HOLY SHIT YOU CAN DUEL WIELD?!

i dont think ive ever been so mixed about a game before. like the art is great and the concept is super interesting, but then everything else is just... bad or mediocre. the story is bad, the characters are mid, and good lord, i dont think ive seen worse platforming before. this game couldve been awesome but instead it tries to do things it definitely shouldnt and fails at it.

this game makes arkham city look like big rigs, i am not joking

christians if they were methed up and you gave them a county, good game