78 Reviews liked by jasmine



It's beautiful, it's short. I don't think I'll remember much from this game, honestly, but it's a good experience.

I think a lot about what I would do with two extra hands and none of them are included in this game

i just wanted to cook spaghetti but i burned the house down and Mama's holding a knife...

i am a fucking baseball demon do not test me you goddamn pussy

Honestly this game is criminally short. It took me only 3 hours to fully 100% the game. I wouldn't have any problems if this game was longer (around the 10 hour mark), but only 3 hours is insane. Wait for this game to be heavily discounted or wait for a lot more content to be added.

We all know why we played this.

Interesting ideas and fell off hard.

It's pretty fun for a while, but gets boring quickly - one shot or for short sessions

Sorry, gamers. Printing free money with shark cards is more important than making classics.

this game was a fever dream.

I heard that this game is really interesting with a lot of depth, so I bought it because it was cheap. I see the depth and I know I could invest a lot of time into this game, but I found the barrier to entry was too tall when there are other games I would not need to work as hard at to fully enjoy. There are different characters you can choose with different abilities. Each player chooses an action at the same time from the list of possible actions that their character can make. There is a little preview of what could happen, but what actually happens can change dramatically depending on what your opponent does. The expanded game of rock paper scissors with added combos obviously has a lot of depth as I initially saw. The problem is the UI is fairly obtuse. To really get into this game, I expect I would have needed to have my ass handed to me for a long time until it clicked or watch/read a bunch of guides while still getting my ass handed to me for awhile. I have a feeling when the game eventually clicked I would have felt like it was worth the initial struggle. I just don't want to invest the time when I have so many other options that don't require such a large initial investment.
The gifs of other people's fights are pretty cool though. I would suggest looking up highlights on YouTube or something.

Nintendo Switch Sports wishes it fucking could