4 Reviews liked by jasonstation

I will participate in the skinner box and I will enjoy it. And I will do it again, and again, and again, for as many times as it takes to get more incremental upgrades, shiny weapons, and armour than I can shake a stick at.
Tight combat that's difficult enough to be exhilarating and a simply unbelievable amount of content, for the right person.

Hearing the Littleroot Town theme feels more like home than home. Wally's journey is genuinely touching. Has some of the most iconic pokemon in the entire series.

The best installation to ever grace Pokemon.

Have never had a more immersive video game experience. Almost every aspect feels crafted specifically for the purpose of breathing life into an authentic world. That the gameplay is as compelling and seamlessly integrated as it is is just unfair.
Of particular note to me is the polarising quest system; while I understand the grievances calling it obtuse, I find that it's for that exact reason that I feel like I'm stumbling across naturally emerging storylines throughout my travels. The cost of lacking a quest journal and marker is well overcompensated for by the trust it places in the player to buy into the conceit and play their role in the story. An unforgettable journey.

Mechanically not as tight as its successors, but more than makes up for it narratively. The repetitive grind through Tartarus is not for everybody, but those who pull through will find much maturer themes and developed character material than the lighthearted experiences provided by 4 & 5.
Emotionally impactful and my personal favourite game of all time.