One of the best games I have ever played, and that will surely make the list of favorite games of all time. An exciting soundtrack, a fun and enticing puzzle gameplay, stylish art direction and characters that steal your heart from their character designs to the way they're written all make for a thrilling game experience. What really makes it unforgettable, though, is the way the narrative is played out.

It leaves room for theorizing, which is fun and some of my theories throughout the playthrough turned out to be what happened in the end, but even still, that does not make the story bland or cliché - the narrative finds many ways to sweep you off your feet and both surprise and enchant you. I finished the game happy and teary-eyed.

For those interested in the game, don't search about it - just hop on for an amazing story and engaging gameplay experience. :)

One of the best mobile games I ever played. Fantastic art style and fun gameplay.

Eu tinha 9 anos, minha vaquinha morreu em um furacão, eu traumatizei e nunca mais joguei