Jun 2023: This Month's Games

a public journal of everything i've played this month

any notes should be treated as "first impressions"

i'm strictly a world tour baby. i've never really been one to put effort into learning a fighting game so i can play online. i just open a can of whoop-ass on random buskers. it's still a good time!
going to put this on the list for every month i've played it. one million hours long and i'm still not sure how i feel about that fact
the levels are more creative than that of the original but i gotta admit, i still prefer the OG. i like katamari less when it's acknowledging its own existence
still my game of choice if i want to do some quick levels on a really stylish FPS. thankfully there are a ton of maps in the base game because there are so few in the steam workshop
the 2 new DLC characters continue gunfire reborn's trend of being one of the few roguelike FPS that has unique weapons/effects and is actually worth a damn
the cards are quite enjoyable even if the guns themselves don't hit quite right. i'll likely return to this once it's got some more maps
apparently NOBODY is playing this game at low ranks anymore, which really sucks for anyone who might want to get into it. it's decent fun, but at this point you'd basically have to play with a friend if you want an even remotely interesting experience

i love the aesthetic and the story but i do NOT want this set of mechanics stapled to it
pretty neat attempt at mixing city builder elements into a colony sim but boy, the numbers need some tuning. it's definitely the game for people who like building things in large batches, something that's frequently punished in this genre
can't really grasp what this provides that you wouldn't already get from starting a fresh character on your diablo game of choice
if this game has anything interesting going on then it is exceptionally slow to show it off. this game does not need such a long preamble
not huge into mech games or vehicle combat games more broadly, but brigador gets everything right - the scale, the destructive power, the atmosphere. you can destroy several blocks with a single missed shot and it works wonders in building credibility for the game's narrative


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