Least engaging crew out of all the Dragon Age games, which hurts it as teammates and your relationships with them are the core of Bioware games for me. Some nice moments, but often bland and too frequently irritating.
Game looks beautiful, although the limp, often reused character animations (always an issue with Bioware games) look really crap sometimes. Dragon fights are pretty good though.

My favourite Mass Effect. Sorry! Combat is further improved from ME2, although as someone who basically only ever plays as a vanguard I suppose I'm not exactly an expert on all the ins and outs. It definitely added some useless stuff, like equipment loads (although I found them fairly easy to ignore when just charge-novaing everywhere) and the meaningless stuff you can pick up to boost your war points or whatever. But despite that, and despite the admittedly shitty ending, the journey you take with your crew and the whole cast from the trilogy is really excellent. Plus, as a professional Liara simp, I was very glad to have her back as a full squadmate and not relegated to a (very good) piece of DLC like in ME2.

Incredible combat in a really weird world. More games should let you chuck everybody and everything off a cliff. Also, I have no idea how good the lightning whip spell is compared to the other spells, but I will still use it for everything.

Really excellent shooter with a heartfelt story. It's cool to turn a nazi into mince with a full size shotgun in either hand.

It's fun, but you have to be the boss of a Fortune 500 company to be able to afford even just the decent looking DLC.

One of the best. Pretty great in all the areas that count. Engaging story with great characters you give a shit about, fun combat (I think it's fun, at least), and great visually, too. Even though some of the enviroment textures or whatever can look a bit ropey, when you ride through a dark forest in the wind and the rain the ambiance is incredible to this day. The expansions are a perfect example of how to do DLC right. They're big, and just as much fun as the main game, maybe better. A masterclass. Shame they shit the bed on the next one!

Not as bad as it's made out to be. But still extremely disappointing. Often felt oddly... un-cinematic compared to ME3. Less grand and exciting. Similarly to Dragon Age Inquisition, Bioware seem to have learnt how to make beautiful environments, but forgotten how to write interesting or engaging squadmates. Lets hope they remember how for the next Mass Effect.

Really fun, and really pretty. I will never get more than one investor residence though.

Not as bad as people make out! Okay, the environments are horrible, but the cast are engaging and the story moves along pretty nicely for the most part. Less good if you were super into Origins combat, but personally I was happy to stick it on a low difficulty and blast through with spells for the whole time.

I was 3 when this came out, so I never heard whatever nonsense Molyneux promised would be in it. I just remember how fun it was and how exciting it was to try different things out. I played it again as a teen and still enjoyed it then. I'm sure it has many limitations, but figuring out fun ways to mess with enemy gods and being able to launch spells across the map to put the fear of the correct god into their villagers was a good laugh. I never had any idea how the creature fighting worked, but it was very cool to me when I played it. My disc is long destroyed and I have absolutely no idea how one would even play this now, but I would like to as I'm not sure I ever finished the main story.

Mindless fanservice. Pure fluff, some awful jokes, and very dodgy writing choices here and there. Despite this, it's just really nice. It's great to have a happy send off (kind of) for all these characters we've gotten to know for years. And some of the jokes are pretty good even! It's fine to write happy shit sometimes!