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1 day

Last played

September 16, 2023

Platforms Played


Was scrolling through the various Atomiswave-to-Dreamcast ports and stumbled upon this game with friends. This is one of those video games that just doesn't feel real, like something you'd see being played in the background of the simpsons or some shit. It's an arcade football game where the teams are composed of a regular football team, zombies, aliens, punk goth girls, prison convicts, trained hitmen, WWE wrestlers, and furries. Everyone animates and moves like a bowling alley strike animation, it's great. There's also meter management that is used for super moves or for boosts to get your players running faster. I don't give a singular flying shit about football so I really don't know how it stacks up to other arcade football titles like NFL blitz, but the amount of dumb absurdity on display is more than enough to set my monkey brain aflame. A true legend of bakage and honestly if I ever find this game in person at an actual arcade I would probably pop off harder than if I found something with more prestige. If watching a suited hitman tackle a skeleton literally named "boner" before breaking out in an awkward mocapped touchdown dance doesn't sell you on this game, I don't think anything ever will.