Pac-Man 1980

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One of the all time classics, and with good reason. It's pac-man, do I really need to explain what this game is? eat dot, get chased by ghost, big dot means you can eat ghost. The concept is addicting but I believe the true reason why this game popped off hard was due to its character. No longer were you shooting aliens in a generic spaceship, you were a character with a name getting chased by other characters with names and even their own personalities. I don't know if this was the first game EVER to do such a thing (probably not), but it was the first to do it and really explode in popularity. The power dynamic flipping whenever you get a power pellet is also a pretty cartoony mechanic in its own right which makes the game just have this cartoonish charm. There's also very basic cutscenes every couple of levels that give a decent break in the action. Pac man is cool, one of the most classic arcade games of all time.