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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

September 25, 2023

Platforms Played


Absolute banger of a video game. Aesthetically this game has so much mfin style in it, it's just so COOL. From the sleek and iconic character icons and portraits, the dark color palette, that sick bass lick that plays every time you clear a mission, this game is designed to be as cool as possible and it excels with flying colors. The sound design is also fantastic, all the deep sound effects are used in such a way that there's always a good sense of tension when sneaking around, plus the game encourages keeping a close ear to the sounds since collectables have that satisfying clunky noise when you are near one. The gameplay is also excellent; this game takes the idea of a hub world and kinda flips it on its head as a place to be scouted out in order to plan a heist. Each of the missions to go to in the hubs are all different parts of one greater heist that the whole area of the game builds up to, and as I went through the missions I really got that sense of familiarity with my surroundings that the cumulative heist sections actually served to test. It's genius, honestly. The plot is also great with a serious tone, good writing, and great character interactions. The Cooper gang actually feels like a close, functional team in a lot of ways most other platformer character trios don't. My only kinda gripes I could have with the game are that it does feel a bit too long and they kinda re-use area themes a bit. The tiger and bison dudes got 2 chapters each when 1 could have been enough. The boss fights and really combat as a whole was kinda eh, which made playing as murray kinda not as fun as sly or bentley since his missions were more combat-oriented. Despite those small qualms, this game is really mfin good and if you like platformers or the general vibes of being a thief and planning a heist there's some good shit here.